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Saturday, May 20, 2017

The scariest superbug on the CDC's radar has hit 7 states

The most worrying 'superbug' on the CDC's radar is sweeping the United States at alarming speed, officials warn.

Candida auris, a harmful form of yeast resistant to most drugs with a 60 percent mortality rate, is emerging as a new menace.

It started in New York and New Jersey, but has now been spotted in Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Massachusetts and Oklahoma.

The spread has triggered the CDC to update its guidelines - urging medics to quarantine C auris sufferers.

Health officials sounded alarms last year because two of the three kinds of commonly used antifungal drugs had little effect in treatment.



  1. It came in with illegals.

  2. And EBOLA is loose in Africa again. End Times!!

  3. 3:08 Yeah, all the illegals take tons of antibiotics for colds and everything else leading to drug resistant strains of diseases. Think before you type or learn to read. This is a first world issue not a third world one.

    1. I am in agreement with you.

  4. Whatever happened to Zika virus that was epidemic proportions I think most of these epidemics are wag the dog.


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