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Friday, May 19, 2017

The Daily Times: They Can't Even Give (their Koolaid) Away Any More

Enjoy 24/7 access to delmarvanow, mobile sites and apps, daily delivery of the e-Edition plus Wednesday and Sunday delivery of The Daily Times print edition.


  1. $.99 a month is still too much. Many papers are free online and we're talking big newspapers not small town news flyers. They have a lot of gall charging for this when they don't even adequately cover local news. Pretty brazen if you ask me.

  2. 10:31, if you look closer it says you only get the Wednesday and Sunday paper, for 3 months. Then I'm sure you go right back to their normal rates. The Daily Times used to employ over 200 people BEFORE Salisbury News came along. Now they are down to what, 20? I had a meeting years ago with Greg Bassett and I told them, if they didn't start publishing the TRUTH I'd start my own news outlet. His reply, "We Love Competition". How's if working for you now!

  3. I pay $4.50 a week for a real newspaper. Not bad...

  4. If you think it's free advertising then you miss the point of the post altogether.

  5. Who said it was free advertising? I don't think you even realize free advertising when you do it. And that's pretty slick. Responding to an unpublished comment with an anonymous comment. That right there is creative, even for you.

  6. Here it gets down to it, online access for all but the two days when the paper is outweighed by the advertising inserts.

    Next, the DT eliminates all print options, goes 100% online and gives everyone a free printer and a special code to download coupons with every subscription.

  7. Just clear your cookies and it's free. Although other than SBY news,you know what you get for nothing, nothing.


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