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Friday, May 19, 2017

Thank God Its Friday 5-19-17

What will you be doing this weekend?


  1. Packing up more of the house hold and getting ready to move back to the shore.

    1. Serious 829 don't bother to move here. This place is the last place you want to live. Many here are working on their exit strategies because this place sucks.

    2. Not nuts at all. I lived on the shore for 25 years. Is it perfect, well...no. But it is a place that I call home. Moved away 2 years ago to a southern state. So far this year, there has been 28 homicides, and damn near a shooting a day.
      Home is where you put your welcome mat outside your front door. Well..I am moving my welcome mat back to the house I call home.

    3. 09:00 ...there is more to the shore than just the city of Salisbury or Wicomico county.
      I would call myself a loyal reader to Sby News and have kept up with all the goings on since I left. I have noticed one thing, people don't want change in the area that they live. Everyone would rather bitch and complain and not try to get involved or embrace change.
      When the work started on the bridges on the bypass, all I read was how it was going to affect traffic and how dangerous the bypass was going to be. Never, ever did I read from anybody on the benefits of rebuilding / replacing 40 some odd year old bridges. And this is just one of many comments I can make about the shore and the people that live here.
      All in all....I am glad I am moving back. And to the people that want to leave, make sure the grass is truly greener before you move.

  2. JUST trying to survive....

  3. Roaring Point Campground.

  4. just got fired out looking for new job

  5. BBQ and foot massage

  6. 9:00 am
    You can leave anytime. There are parts of the shore that are great to live. You must live in smallsbury.

  7. Common Sense with your CoffeeMay 19, 2017 at 10:53 AM

    Ah the bubble dwellers. Ain't life grand! Wench is living in a delusion while 1045 likes to serve up "you can leave anytime" nonsense. You people don't just understand just how much Salisbury has degenerated in the last thirty years. You love your bubble lives as you ride around Salisbury with your eyes wide shut.

    1. 10:53. YESSSSS!!!

    2. You must not have read that I lived there for 25 years before moving. I have seen the changes....

  8. 11:07
    Change is inevitable, and I don't mind going with the flow. I don't post many comment here, but feel I must now. I do not like the changes that have ran out city in the gutter. Very sad the condition of this once nice place to be, without fear of defending yourself while moving around town. Keep those eyes open and hand on the steel. Welcome home!
    Oh, I am not ragging on the current mayor or anyone, this has been going on for some years now. Just a reminder was going through Isabella Street last night to avoid the construction on Rt 50. What a YUGE joke that is. I thought I was on a adult version of a kids ride at the amusement park. Aboslutley redicous!!

  9. Steamed crabs and ice cold beer....riding the Harley to OC lookin at old cars!!!

  10. Welcome Home wrench! You are correct there is more to the Shore than Salisbury! And you are correct that too many people sit and bitch but when asked to participate in change they back away, "not my job". There are many things on the Shore that need to change but it has to start somewhere. Keyboard warriors are a dime a dozen, warriors for change are the courageous ones who step out, take the chance, successful or not. Find the positive. And no I am not a "snowflake".

    1. Along with " not my job " you forgot to add " not in my back yard "

  11. I think probably most everywhere is on a downward spiral.

  12. Play the >> Weekend Song >> Monday-Don't say it again !!!

  13. Wrench sounds like real ray of sunshine. Hope he doesn't move next door to us.

    1. Yep I bet you wouldn't. I have manors, polite to people, courteous to other. Beautiful, loving and successfully children. Great friends and family. Love the Lord.
      Yup I wouldn't want to live by someone like you that judges others without knowing them or what makes them tick.

  14. Wrench, just how many 'manors' do you have? 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

    1. Manners...lol
      None...sorry to disappoint you.
      Always thank the Lord to be alive each and everyday.
      Lucky to be alive.
      Leoimyosarcoma...look it up

  15. Just two days until Monday and then back to work!!!
    Can't wait!!!!

  16. No worries here. Doubt he's buying the waterfront property next to me.


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