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Thursday, May 25, 2017

Tea Party Group Calls for Investigation Into Leaks, Unmasking

'There are clearly rogue government officials, with high-level clearances, engaging in criminal activity involving classified information.'

The co-founder of the largest Tea Party group is trying to ratchet up pressure on the House and Senate intelligence committees to investigate illegal Trump administration leaks and the Obama administration's unmasking of U.S. officials and other citizens during the presidential campaign and transition.

Jenny Beth Martin, the co-founder of the Tea Party Patriots, sent a letter on Wednesday to the leaders of the House and Senate intelligence committees pressing them to investigate the illegal release of classified information to the media and the unmasking of American citizens as part of their wide-ranging probe into alleged Russian interference and meddling in the last presidential election.

"I write as president of an organization with over 2 million, an organization that has directly felt the heavy hand of persecution by the very government we support with our taxes," she wrote in the letter. "Our concern is that your investigation's emphasis and focus on our government, again illegally interfering in the lives of law-abiding citizens, will go unaddressed with no accountability."

If the GOP-led committees in Congress ignore such allegations of abuse, it would be "absolutely unacceptable in the world's leading democracy, to which people around the globe look hopefully for leadership on issues of government accountability," she said.

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