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Saturday, May 06, 2017

Students suspended for "liking" racist Instagram posts sue school

SAN FRANCISCO -- A California school district suspended a high school student after racist images that included nooses drawn around the necks of a black student and coach appeared on his social media site.

But a federal lawsuit says Albany Unified School District went too far when it also disciplined four Albany High School students -- three of them Asian -- who indicated they "liked" the posts on the Instagram account. The suit, which was filed Monday in San Francisco on behalf of the students, accuses the school district of violating students' free speech rights.

CBS Sacramento reports the students say the district had no right to discipline them because the offensive posts were on a private account that had no connection with any official school activity or school account.

"This to me is no different than having a private drawing book and making some offensive drawings at home and sharing them with a couple of friends," said Alan Beck, an attorney for the four students who "liked" or commented on the offensive Instagram account. "Does the school have the right to ruin my life over something I was doing at my house?"



  1. Here we go again. This is insanity to the maximum. Yet, with wcboe, the black students can do whatever they want and nobody does a dann thing. Yet one "like" on a fictitious image gets suspensions! I must be in the post-obama wasteland dystopia.

  2. Liberals are the worst at personal liberty. If you don't agree with them "off with your head ". I am so sick of Commie-fornia

  3. Students have no rights according to the supreme court, however, I sense the previous whiners would wetting their panties over a dead white cop image...right?

    1. Wow...you would have to work hard to me more of a jerk.

  4. They're little b******s, but they never should have been suspended over "likes" on a FB page.

  5. The left are communist Russia is happy with them.

  6. Freedom of speech is being attacked again from the left!


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