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Sunday, May 28, 2017

Some Comments Worthy Of A Post 5-24-17

Anonymous said...
Keep waging your war on feminism Joe. I don't agree with this story either but you have a knack for only posting the negative articles about feminism and foreigners.
May 24, 2017 at 9:26 AM
Blogger JoeAlbero said...
9:26, So you think I should embrace feminism and foreigners more? Let's see, I was raised by a woman who raised 5 kids on her own, hmmmm. I grew up in New York City where we had every possible culture imaginable and the funny thing was, we ALL got along.

I'm a LOT like Trump. ANYTHING that has to do with RADICAL I am against. This is MY country and I am here LEGALLY. I am against illegals, period. I don't care what the situation is, if you are not here legally you are breaking our laws.

So, IF YOU want to make me out to be a jerk, I'll own it, no problem at all.


  1. Kudos Joe! I too, born here, raised here LEGALLY, agree 100% with 100% of your statement!

  2. that was an old fashioned ass woopin' !!
    Until you've walked a mile in our shoes, don't judge, right?!

    That's the problem with so many liberals - they've been told that conservatives fit a certain mold and we are all the same.
    Nope- we all come from different backgrounds but have a common belief that the founding values of our country and our constitution should drive everything else we do. One part of that is majority rule. We are sick and tired of the liberal MSM using a constant barrage of propaganda to change our views and make ALL of us think like that. That's why Trump won and that's why we're so angry at the liberal left for making false narratives about the administration we voted for.
    For example, the left keeps telling us that homosexuality is normal: it's not. Not by evolutionary or God's standards, whichever you believe. If it was normal, you and I wouldn't be here because 2 dads or 2 moms can't procreate. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, but its not normal, except in Target bathrooms.

  3. Out here the law means just what it said. Not what part you want to enforce.

  4. Oh so now you grew up in NYC, lol, you're a fake Bowie boy.

  5. Joe I'm gonna be honest I used to not care for you or this blog but I admit I was wrong best news on the shore I don't look at any local news but here I appreciate the fact that you expose the truth

  6. The modern day Warriors of Feminism need the war on feminism to validate their argument. They push the idea that we men are all misogynists and they must crush the patriarchy. What a load of crap. I keep myself pretty informed as to what is going on around our great nation. There are women in powerful positions all throughout the United States. Maybe if some of the over tattooed, over pierced and under-washed feminists are reading this (Take a bath clean up your act and stop screeching like a wounded animal and you will find a job and maybe a descent man or woman). Have you seen these so called feminists that scream the loudest? I would have to see DNA proof that they are in fact feminine. Fighting for equality is one thing. But the screaming, yelling and the violent attacks by the so called feminists is another.

  7. 10:30, aka smart A$$. I was born in 1962. I didn't move to Maryland until 1973. That being said, because our Family is so tight, even after we moved to Maryland we spent most weekends traveling back to NYC spending time with Family.

    So, you tell me, where did I grow up?

  8. On another note I am a disabled veteran who put my life on the line to fight for the very freedoms this county was founded on and yet all my rights and benefits are slowly being taken away. So until you crybabies are willing to lay "everything on the line to defend these right I say shut the F*** up.

  9. God, I hate how everyone here is labeled either liberal or conservative. I rarely think about either of those words when looking at other people. Everyone can not be thrown into one category or the other. All blacks are not thugs, all women are not feminists, all whites are not racist, all foreigners are not terrorists!

    1. Identity politics is the fodder of the dems. Look to the left. This is where the only I matter selfishness is originating.

    2. 1:17. Your comment just proved that point.

  10. Gloria Steinem and the feminist movement were funded by cabal with the express goal of disintegrating family.

    I am not against feminism as such, but against its divisive goals. Its divisive nature as practiced.

    What we should all be doing is practicing Humanism.

    hu·man·ism (hyo͞o′mə-nĭz′əm)
    a. A system of thought that focuses on humans and their values, capacities, and worth.
    b. Humanism A cultural and intellectual movement of the Renaissance that emphasized human potential to attain excellence and promoted direct study of the literature, art, and civilization of classical Greece and Rome.

    The key component there is I raise you up, because you have value. Not, because it reduces or minimizes the value of anyone else.

    First, do no harm. If everyone followed that tenet alone, our world would vastly improve.

    And to the naysayers who will inevitably jump in and try to belittle this post, that makes you part of the problem.

    Have a nice day.

    Have a no harm day.

  11. Thank you 11:36. Well said.

  12. I'm with you Joe, 100%!

  13. 11:36 you hit the nail on the head.
    These days, we seem to label anyone and everyone.

  14. Far be it that you are a jerk. Anyone who feels that against you is the biggest jerk of all. I have been in your site since it started and I know of no one who has a bigger heart and freely gives of his self. Thanks for all you do and I have no idea what it would be like if your site was ever discontinued. You should garner nothing but respect and anyone feeling otherwise can go to all the fake news or no news like the Daily Rag or WBOC. Enough said Amen!!!

  15. Swamp Drainer of the ShoreMay 24, 2017 at 3:52 PM

    To the original commenter who Joe responded to: If you want equality then ACT LIKE AN EQUAL. Quit putting yourself out there as someone who is 'special' in need of 'special treatment.' A true feminist looks to compete with men on EQUAL footing not some gender-norming bullshit and PC garbage. As for foreigners, if they're not promoting America, then they're welcome to go the hell home, we're full up with crazy already here in America and don't need to add to it.

  16. The worst kind of liberal is the "Feminist" C-word.

    WTH does feminism and foreigners have to do with each other.

    Claiming to be a feminist proves you are too stupid to think on your own.

    Going DC to where a pussy hat to protest and riot against our President and men is all the proof that I need that "feminist" are liberal FREAKS.


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