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Monday, May 29, 2017

She's ready to serve!


  1. YES! She needs to be arrested and trial started, let the Media and Democrats talk about that instead of Russia!

  2. It's an indictment on our media that she is not under pressure to be investigated.

  3. Can't begin too soon. It's time the Clinton Machine be put to rest once and for all.

  4. A real dream come true the faster the better. She should be prosecuted and serve real jail time even a sentence of four years would be justice as she thought she was going to get the next 4 years in the White House, just a different house is better justice.

  5. 1023 it's not up to the media whether or not people are indicted for crimes. The corrupt DOJ of the prior administration and Congress were responsible for this long trip to justice.

  6. When she was making her obscene speech at Wellesley, do you think it occurred to her what she's going to do when she is indicted for her many crimes? She's making history alright just not the kind she thought she'd be making.

  7. Throw hanoi Jane in with her.

  8. 2:01 -- And put Elizabeth Warren and Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz in the same cell with them, then watch the fur fly!

  9. Right were she SHOULD BE SERVING !!!! Criminal # 1 USA

  10. Let her SERVE 2 terms ............at least !!!

  11. Let's vote her IN now !!!


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