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Saturday, May 06, 2017

Recent Enforcement Effort at Fishing Creek Bridge Results in Charges

Nine Men Cited for Striped Bass Violations

Continued late-night enforcement at Fishing Creek Bridge in Dorchester County by the Maryland Natural Resources Police resulted in nine men being charged with illegal fishing and 154 undersized striped bass being seized.

On Thursday, officers charged four men with fishing in a prohibited area, keeping too many striped bass and keeping undersized fish: William Richard Chavez, 45, of Laurel; Juan Roberto Ramirez, 54, of College Park; Nery Antonio Gonzales, 31, of Beltsville; and Jose Alberto Rivera, 33, of Laurel. Fifty-six striped bass were seized.

The men are scheduled to appear in Dorchester County District Court Aug. 16. Each charge carries a maximum fine of $1,500.

On April 28 at 2 a.m., officers stopped a vehicle leaving the bridge and found 86 striped bass under the trunk floor.

Three men were charged with keeping undersized striped bass, exceeding the daily creel limit, fishing in a prohibited area, and keeping fish between midnight and 5 a.m.: Eliud Daneris Flores, 30, of Alexandria, Virginia; Hector D. Ortez, 23, of Hyattsville; and Miguel Angel Herrara Roman, 31, of Silver Spring.

On April 27, officers caught two men catching and hiding striped bass. Twelve fish were recovered.

Jose Arnoldo Portillo Vasquez, 63, and Medrano Ernesto Isabet, 45, both of Reston, Virginia, were charged with fishing in a prohibited area, keeping too many striped bass and keeping undersized fish,

All five men charged in April have a court date of July 19. Each charge carries a maximum fine of $1,500.


  1. US citizens or illegal immigrants?

  2. 2AM? My God! These guys got caught going after a couple thousands $ of fish fines that early in the morning while MILLIONS pass across our borders (thank you Barrack) in illegal drugs?

    Could it be that our priorities are wrong?

  3. Check their papers too !!! I'm sure these fine, upstanding men are all citizens...

  4. 5:50 PM - are you saying that you want to send Maryland DNR officers to the Mexican border for drug interdiction?

  5. They will run back to Mecico and not appear in court....thats right MECICO.

  6. They will not show up for trial. Catch and release (No pun intended).

  7. Why is it that most all the people caught keeping illegal fish are Hispanic

  8. 5:50 pm that's a stupid thing to say.

  9. 6:46--exactly. They aren't border patrol agents, they are MD DNR...doing their jobs.

  10. But DNR would not have to do the job if ICE had been doing theirs.


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