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Thursday, May 25, 2017

Princess Anne Police Department Most Wanted 5-25-17 (21 Subjects)

 Princess Anne Wanted List -
Please Notify Princess Anne Police if you know the location of anyone listed, your tips will remain anonymous...

Alicia Olivia Brown
Bench Warrant
Failing to Appear, Driving on Suspended License

Alston Artemus
Bench Warrant
Failing to Appear - Driving w/o License
Andrew Lewis Lluis
Bench Warrant
Failure to Appear, CDS Possession Marijuana, Possesion Paraphernalia
Daniel Gallcia Galvez
Bench Warrant
Failure to Appear, DUI 

David Lee Payne
Arrest Warrant
CDS Possession, Marijuana, Theft Less than $500, 
Disturbing the peace, Hindering.

Dayna L. Nauss
Arrest Warrant
CDS, Fraud Charges

Devin Troy Long
Bench Warrant
Failing to Appear, Obstructing & Hindering, 
False Statement to Police Officer

Erikka Patrice Digsby
Arrest Warrant
Assault 2nd Degree, Miliscious Destruction of Property over $500

 James Darren Smith
Bench Warrant
Failure to Appear, Driving on suspended license

James Isaac Jones Jr
Arrest Warrant
Failing to Appear, Assualt 2nd Degree, Telephone Misuse

Jarrod Jameal Davis
Bench Warrant
Failure to Appear, Driving on Suspended License

Salim Ramzan Koroma
Bench Warrant
Failure to Appear, Driving on Suspended out of state license

Lenward Levonn Mitchell
Bench Warrant
Failure to Appear, Driving without license

Mary Magdalene Burton
Arrest Warrant
Assault 1st & 2nd Degree, REckless endangerment, 
Disorderly conduct.

Michelle L. Lewis
Bench Warrant
Theft Less than $100

 Ralph Kevin Byrd
Bench Warrant
Failure to Appear, DUI, Fleeing and Eluding, 
Driving on Suspended License

Ronald Wade Berry
Arrest Warrant
DWI, Driving on Suspended License

Teontay Tynelle Holden
Bench Warrant
Failure to appear, Driving with out License 

Timothy James Brininstool
Arrest Warrant
Theft Less than $1000

Timothy Daniel Whelan Jr
Bench Warrant
Failure to Appear, Bad Check, Uttering, Theft Scheme Under $500

Tyrone Lawrence Harris
Bench Warrant
Failure to Appear, Driving on Suspended License


  1. Most of these people didn't pay a speeding ticket and got arrested for driving on a suspended.Aren't there enough criminals Iin Princess Anne without these people placed on the list. Somerset county is so full of oincompetence.

  2. Most wanted for driving suspended? Now that's funny.

  3. Hate Police, then dont be a criminal 2:20am....

    If your kid was killed by a piece of crap on suspended license... You want Police to have arrested him.


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