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Saturday, May 06, 2017

Police: Without conslusive autopsy results, may never learn if Robin Pope's death was a crime

STEVENSVILLE, MD. - After four years, we still don't know how Robin Pope -- the Stevensville woman who's body washed ashore weeks after she disappeared -- died.

Police say until they figure out how Robin died, they may never know if her death was a crime.

The waves washing along the shoreline in Stevensville may hold a dark secret, one that could shed light on a four-year-old mystery.

"It is a frustration and there's no police investigator who likes to have a case without answers," Greg Shipley, Maryland State Police's spokesman, said.

Answers to what happened to Robin Pope, the mother and wife who, suddenly, vanished in March of 2013.



  1. Sounds like Caylee Anthony. The reality show struck ME Dr "G" was so hell bent on calling more attention to herself she ruled the manner of death homicide without being able to determine a cause.

  2. I remember Robin.I did not know her but she seemed like a nice person.Hard to believe it's been 4 years.Maybe technology will catch up & reveal something.

  3. No mystery here, the Ex did it. Throw him on the box,you'll find out the truth.


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