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Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Pelosi kicks ‘only black person in room’ out of LGBT event

Nancy Pelosi and Debbie Wasserman Schultz were anything but tolerant at a gay pride event this weekend.

Elijah Manley, a young progressive activist, attended an event at The Pride Center in Fort Lauderdale, Florida on Saturday.

As Manley explains, “I arrived at the event around 9:31am and waited in line for 40 minutes in the hot sun to get it. Finally, once I got in: I took a seat in the second row.

“I began to live stream the event on my Twitter page to show folks what was going on,” he said, according to a statement posted by Twitter user @GeoffMiami.

“After about a few minutes of livestreaming, a guy in a suit approached me and asked me to come with him. I complied. Once we were out of the main room, I asked him if there was a problem and he told me that there was one and that there had been online threats towards DWS,” Manley said, referring to Wasserman Schultz.

“I asked him for evidence that I posted any threats to DWS and he refused to show any. The guy standing next to him had a federal law enforcement lapel pin on his collar.

“I immediately recognized it as an emblem for the US Secret Service. He then told me that a trespassing warning was issued to me and that I was banned from the building,” according to Manley.

“The other officer escorted me from the area perimeter.”

More here


  1. So much for the dumbocrats tolerance!
    This needs to be widely disseminated so their entire community sees what they really want - votes until the election is over...then go away till the next election!

  2. I thought Debbie was fired for voter corruption?

  3. If this was a liberal that was removed from a conservative event, the ACLU would be all over it. This nonsense needs to stop!

  4. They don't want any of that Green Party nonsense mixing into their own special nonsense.

  5. We learned that these two are complete and total moon bats. Pelosi for her infamous "We need to pass it before we know what is in it" and Wasserman Schultz for her dirty tricks as head of DNC. Isn't that what got Nixon in trouble? Beyond that, Pelosi is deranged and Schultz is just plain nuts.

  6. And this doesn't make main stream media news and they wonder why they are called fake news.


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