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Friday, May 05, 2017

Pelosi: GOP 'Maliciously Attempting to Destroy Healthcare'

House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi ripped into Republicans for pushing ahead with a vote on the GOP healthcare bill.

"They have this vote tattooed on them," she said of House Republicans. "This is a scar they will carry. Republicans are maliciously again attempting to destroy healthcare and coverage for the American people. I would hope they would realize this is very bad for the country."

The Hill reported the Congressional Budget Office has not completed its analysis of the latest changes of the bill.

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  1. This is coming from the woman that told people that "you have to sign it before you can read it", look where that got us.

  2. This is the bitch that said pass it to read. (map)

  3. I hope they keep psychiatric care in the bill so she can finally get the care she needs.

  4. She's senile. I encourage the democrat party to keep re-electing her.

  5. 11:07

    She has real insurance. These people keep themselves out of the government junk. They are above the taxpayer minions.

  6. The dumbocrats can't seem to see the difference between healthcare and healthcare insurance

  7. She has Obamacare tattooed on her forehead forever. She was a major player in destroying Americas healthcare and refuses to fix it. Obamacare allows the Federal government to confiscate all your bank accounts and determine if you deserve to be given care or die. Read Obamacare and you will see this is written in that bill. None of these Politians are included in Obamacare. They have their own government funded healthcare. Hopefully the Republicans has balls enough to include themselves in their bill when they state everybody will get covered. They should live by the same laws / standards as all of us.

  8. Both parties are destroying healthcare in this country. Because it not a bipartisan issue.
    In fact she is half right. The Republicans, with this tax break for the rich health bill, are destroying healthcare, or what's left of it from the Democrats damage from obomacare.


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