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Saturday, May 20, 2017

OC Cruizin Gridlock

Great weather! Lots of old cars. Lots of people. Not enough roads to accommodate these people driving in forever circles so there is total driving gridlock.


  1. I was heading there yesterday from De. Got to Fenwick and realized it was cruiser wknd and turned around and headed home. Not that I have that much against it but a lot of the cars I saw were just loud, trying to be fast. And then you have those geniuses with the large exhausts coming thru the body of their truck in the bed. One of those guys is going to get hurt if they decide to roll coal around there.

    Takes all kinds I suppose. I hope better-looking cars and trucks showed up today and made it worthwhile.

    1. What is the point of having a quiet hot rod?

  2. No thank you. Dangerous situations with drag racing, burn outs, driving 5 mph and drivers not paying attention to the road.

  3. Ok so which DPW public works transportation driver is busy on his or her cell phone..
    It's obviously one that drives the park and ride bus?.

  4. "worthwhile" is relative as most of us know. Therefore, it is what it is...

  5. That is why I quit going to the "cruising weekend event. OC, city council and tourism dept., wants this event and begs each year for it then they have no plan on organizing it and it's events. They just impose laws and regulations that are in conflict with the event. They want the money but does not let the participants enjoy the event as it is represented. OC listens to the "cry babies" and punish the participants. OC knows what happens without incident but caters to the "cry babies". Be going to PA next week to their "cruising" and will enjoy their event as intended. The "cruisers" should start shunning OC and their restrictions. I have for many years. OC is on the verge of losing "bike week" for these same reasons.


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