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Sunday, May 28, 2017

NEWS FLASH: Mayor, It's Really Not All Happening

By Thornton Crowe

Community Service or just another political event? This was nothing more than an in-person infomercial sponsored by you, the taxpayer!

Another beaut was slid across my desk this morning which features Jake Day's quip about the Camden Community Garden. While I'm all in favor of the community putting forth such initiatives as this, why are taxpayers 'sponsoring' this endeavor without taxpayer consent? Furthermore, judging from the above picture, this just looked like another opportunity for a disingenuous posturing for the mayor rather than anything meaningful for the community. He certainly wasn't dressed to work, was he?

Day seems to feel the tax revenue is his own personal 'slush fund' to do with whatever he wants, yet he seldom puts this money into wooing new businesses to the Salisbury area so people have jobs. More jobs means more people employed which inevitably means more people able to contribute of their free will to causes like like a community garden. Forced altruism is hardly the way to achieve these kinds of goals with everyone being complicit.

What's with Democrats these days that they feel forcing taxpayers to pay for things instead of using the money for the good of the whole community? Are they really that ridiculously stupid?

click to enlarge
Statistically speaking, it is not usually the poor who vote people into office en masse. Middle Class America is the biggest voting populous as our liberal pop star, Hillary, learned last November. Remember all those irredeemable deplorables who voted against this type of slight of hand - political porn masquerading as communal empathy? Yet, political ideologues like Day continue to forge down that path to failure with a vengeance as if there's no common sense or forethought.

PowerPoints promoting low income housing and fairy tales of amphitheaters (along with community gardens) - all being fincanced by Joe Blows who are lucky enough to find work in Salisbury, are hardly the way to win votes and influence people. Instead, it makes our city leader [sic] look insanely out of touch with his constituents' angst and everyday issues.

If Jake and his jackals at City Hall really wanted to help people in the community, maybe helping those folks get jobs would go much further in their lives than merely pitching money towards a community project. People need JOBS, Jake, not warm fuzzies. You can't deposit fuzzies in your bank account or get gas with them!

After all, shouldn't these community projects be done by the citizens of their own volition? We don't need a politician pandering for votes for us to do the right thing like volunteer time and resources. In fact, his interference only diminishes the efforts of others. Talk about showboating and stealing others' thunder!

Just another day in the land of unicorns and fairy tales generated by the Jake-Spin-Cycle.


  1. I loved the community garden and was active, but have given up on it because it felt like it was becoming a political pawn. Very sad.

  2. Agree...Sad state of affairs. They need to bring in new factories and industry for jobs That should be the focus of our leaders.

  3. Common Sense with your CoffeeMay 25, 2017 at 10:16 AM

    Wonder how many potholes around Salisbury those dollars could fix?

  4. Forced Altruism = Taxpayer Money spent on items without taxpayer consent!

  5. There actually is an area in the budget that funds city promotions, signed off by the council in the 2016 budget.

  6. Swamp Drainer of the ShoreMay 25, 2017 at 10:38 AM

    People fall for this dog and pony shows all the time. Why they don't realize the reality is just amazing because they pay for their ignorance time and again. Community projects are great but they don't bring economy advancement. Why doesn't anyone in Salisbury want the economy here to thrive like it did 30 years ago? We had a lot of businesses that have now gone away. Just last month we lost a computer store that had been here for over 20 years and no one said a word about it. No matter how small, that's still jobs going out the window. More people on unemployment and looking in a job-dry area to support their families. How much longer is Salisburians going to accept this subpar management of their city's finances and goals? They don't help the community, they only detract from it. Don't you get it?

  7. Salisbury is behind the times, community gardens have been around for years. I had to pay a small monthly fee for my plot in Richmond. Although a few acres there was a waiting list. Not only a fun hobby but very productive.

  8. WOW Crowe has so much insight maybe he should run against Day in the next election....get off the sideline and into the game?????

  9. Thornton, Barrie Tilghman used to pull the same feel good crap when she was Mayor. When she needed the black vote she'd build a playground in their neighborhoods and act like she was doing them a favor. Just wait and see. Jake needs Camden and you'll see something happen there for the votes. Liberals being Liberals at taxpayer expense.

  10. Day is a typical Democrat his perceived power went right to his head. He's too young for the job.

  11. 11:02AM I haven't lived my life in accordance to the pitch perfection voters want in their elected officials these days. Like Trump, I've lived a good life with a lot of fun. Puritans would always find some fault with it and I don't possess the temperament to put up with their balderdash. I'd be as un-PC as President Trump! Do you really think Salisbury would really be able to handle that stark cold reality I would convey? I'd think not.

  12. I don't mind that there are some line items in the city budget for community projects like the garden. What I do mind is the politicians showing up for a shameless photo op and politicizing there initiatives. That's when it sickens me.

  13. Joe, isn't that always the way with poodle politicians like Tilghman and Day. They pander like pimp daddies to the perceived ignorants in their community because they make themselves easy marks by not getting educated on real facts and believe all the puff-jobs of the local media [sic]. Those who deny themselves an education (a real one) and refuse to understand that voting is a privilege to be taken with great sense of civic responsibility instead of seeing it as a prom queen contest, don't embrace the fact these politicians use them shamelessly and without conscience. They are pawns in a game to gain/retain power.

  14. I mean for heavens sakes people. Look what you are dealing with. This boy is not capable of much more then planting a garden. He has never done anything with his own life hardly so how can anyone expect him to even begin to understand how to lure good paying jobs to the area. The boy wasn't even responsible enough to follow simple traffic laws.

  15. Swamp Drainer of the ShoreMay 25, 2017 at 11:33 AM

    1129 that's the virtue of running unopposed! You get the position by default. If one voter shows and votes for you, you got the job. Step up, kids.

  16. Oh my, Thornton has a past. Now there's a story!

  17. I don't have a shingle hanging out front, therefore can't diagnose what's up with this cat.
    I can say I get sooo sick of seeing his photo everywhere. I guess as a laymen, I will suggest sicko. Just my humble opinion not ever having meant him.

  18. I Threw Up My Lemonade When I Saw This On Your Blog!May 25, 2017 at 11:43 AM

    Jake's photo ops are becoming his obsession. He keeps putting his mug out there and thinks that's all that's required to run a city. Simple minds.

  19. Whatever happened to govt BY the People and FOR the People? More People need to get involved and voice their opinions before decisions are made. Otherwise, those elected to positions do what they want, or what others want, get high on the power of seeing something happen, and continue doing things to get more highs. They become addicted to the power and prestige. That's why we need term limits across the board.

  20. Jake Day's are truly his obsession for exposure, to fill his ego and a blatant misuse of taxpayers funds to further his own political agenda. It's a well known fact coming from the horses mouth himself he wants to challenge Harris for his position.

  21. Exactly right it is the "jake Spin-cycle" he will put his picture and himself out there for his ADDITIONAL 15 MINUTES OF FAME. Why oh why did you vote for him?even though he was unopposed a no vote would have shown how little everyone believed him.

  22. It's obvious that all the idiots were just handed out the Jake Day free t-shirts and put them over their own clothes.

    I wonder how much those free t-shirts costs the tax payers.

  23. Anonymous said...
    Salisbury is behind the times, community gardens have been around for years. I had to pay a small monthly fee for my plot in Richmond. Although a few acres there was a waiting list. Not only a fun hobby but very productive.

    May 25, 2017 at 10:55 AM

    Who would want to plant something in a "community garden" and do all the work just to have it stolen from you.

  24. Anonymous I Threw Up My Lemonade When I Saw This On Your Blog! said...
    Jake's photo ops are becoming his obsession. He keeps putting his mug out there and thinks that's all that's required to run a city. Simple minds.

    May 25, 2017 at 11:43 AM

    It's called name recognition because he has plans to run for higher office. He is nothing but a community organizer just like his idol Obammy.

  25. 1202 Democrats love socialism. Isn't that what having your hard work stolen from you is all about?

  26. I Threw Up My Lemonade When I Saw This On Your Blog!May 25, 2017 at 12:13 PM

    If you were Jake Day 1203, would you really want your name to be recognized? I sure as hell wouldn't.

  27. Definitely need some type of BIG industrial business (no, enough with the CHICKEN POO) type factory....cars, trucks, amazon warehouse, SOMETHING that provides JOBS!

    There is enough land around here...hell from here to the beach that could/would benefit ALL.

  28. 11:53, I don't want to make reference to my friend with lemonade like once before. So I will say after reading the mention of this dude running against Dr. Harris I can't control myself. Thank you for the laugh, I needed that.This guy would not make a pimple on Dr. Harris's backside.

  29. Something to look into would be the old fire house deal-Headquarters Live fiasco. The deed which anyone can view online specifically states:
    WHEREAS, the City, thought its Mayor and City Council, determined that the sale and transfer of within described property should be conditioned upon and required a commitment from the Purchaser to develop the property in such a manner as will best promote and support the City and which will promote development, raise the City's Tax base, make effective use of past investment and capital improvement and prevent land speculation, on account of which the disposition contract aforesaid set forth certain conditions and the within Grantee joins in the execution of this deed for the purpose of assenting to certain covenants and conditions which shall run with the land and be binding upon the land for the benefit of and in favor of the City.

    So basically they now plan to rent to the DT's the building according to media reports. That is not a manner in which to BEST PROMOTE the City.

  30. "It's called name recognition because he has plans to run for higher office. He is nothing but a community organizer just like his idol Obammy.

    May 25, 2017 at 12:03 PM"

    That will be funny to watch. He'll get his butt handed to him like his buddy ireton. ireton got slapped right down to where he belongs by losing to a perpetual candidate who never so much as lifted a leg to campaign. They only win in Sby because most of the electorate is low class.

  31. I wonder how many of the department heads are brought out to these events like back when I worked for the City under Jimmy? There was always an entourage to make it appear that there was actually someone who was interested.

    These community "feel good" issues should take the backseat to community safety in my opinion. Fix the potholes first and if anything is left over, plant a flower or a tree.

    Just my two cents.

  32. Sorry. Maybe I missed it. What exactly does this say the taxpayers paid for? How much taxpayer money was spent?

  33. To all Salisbury going to turn into a college town,it's all about the college,no one cares about the average citizen look at all the slumlords rentals,some have the same kitchens and bathrooms from 1975 and they want 1600$ Month some of these homes you need a gun just to get out of your car to get to the front door,if you don't believe me look it up criaglist or trulia

  34. Salisbury has been a college town for several decades. PRMC, Perdue and SU are the largest employers. Salisbury will never be what it was in the 60's-70's. Those days are long gone.

    Community gardens aren't needed. People can buy fruit trees and vegetable plants with EBT cards at Walmart. Plants that produce food are eligible.

  35. 1:18 that would be a question that needs directing to the Mayor's office. Unless the food for the barbecue and the plants and supplies for the garden were donated this is probably so far costing tax payers in the 1000's. I don't see any thing saying anything was donated.

  36. What is wrong with a kitchen or bath from 1975? I live in a million dollar plus home with original kitchen/baths from 1960 including working wall heaters in the bathrooms with coils that look like the inside of a toaster. I do have updated subzero appliances in the kitchen.


  37. Notice the photographer genuflecting in front of the mare. Media mania mindset fuels fake Day.

    Meanwhile he plans to screw the renters by jacking the fees landlords pay; they in turn will increase rents. Fancy degrees from fancy colleges didn't endow fake Day with a thimbleful of common sense.


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