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Sunday, May 14, 2017

New Orleans Mayor: Death Threats Won't Stop Us From Taking Down Confederate Monuments

Mitch Landrieu says threats from white supremacists won’t stop the city from removing monuments celebrating hate.

All his company did was drop off a fence.

But that was enough this week for white supremacists across the country to call the unidentified contractor’s business ― hired by the city of New Orleans to drop off the fence at the soon-to-be-torn-down Jefferson Davis monument ― and threaten him.

“Specifically, they said they were going to burn me, they were going to burn my trucks, they were going to come to my yard and protest, they’re not gonna let my trucks leave the yard, they going to protest all day long, and one woman from Mississippi specifically said she’s going to make sure that I’m going to get burned and my truck is going to get burned,” the contractor told WVUE Fox 8. “That’s how bad it is.”



  1. How are these monuments of hate?

  2. Take down MLK statue he was a womanizerand a republican

  3. I, too, want to know how they are monuments of hate???

  4. After approximately 70 years on this great land, why is everything all of a sudden offensive, racist or whatever? I for one am really, really, sick of all this crap. Do I hear "postal"? By the way, there has be some things I very much disliked, like the last yo yo that resided in our White House rent free for the past eight years. But I didn't go out of my tree. While I'm at it, how about all of this rainbow nonsense. I have never objected to you though it's not my thing. I don't give a hoot if you are out of the closet, just don't get in my face and go ahead with your bad self.

  5. Destroying history is a crime against all who were affected by it, which is pretty much everyone in the Country. Danged right there should be protests, and violence against anyone committing that awful crime anywhere. We need our history so all have it to learn a lesson from, especially bad, shameful history of our mistakes.

  6. As a border State, I think all these statues should be moved to Maryland where all have learned to live together and respect each other's opinions and beliefs.

  7. From George Santayana, courtesy of Wikipedia:

    Progress, far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness. When change is absolute there remains no being to improve and no direction is set for possible improvement: and when experience is not retained, as among savages, infancy is perpetual.
    - Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
    - This famous statement has produced many paraphrases and variants:
    - Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
    - Those who do not remember their past are condemned to repeat their mistakes.
    - Those who do not read history are doomed to repeat it.
    - Those who fail to learn from the mistakes of their predecessors are destined to repeat them.
    - Those who do not know history's mistakes are doomed to repeat them.

  8. This is being done to piss off white people.ON PURPOSE

  9. Put a STOP to destroying our history!!!

  10. This is an attack by the globalists who are slowly chipping away at America, The only country willing to fight oppression if America falls so does your freedom.

    1. Look at France they just voted a Dem snowflake and continued Open boarders now watch them get hit more by Loving Terrorists

  11. The Isis of new Orleans.

  12. Reminds me of the Taliban and isil destroying monuments that were centuries old because they didn't confirm to their views. And people wonder why people get so upset when being asked to give up their seat on an airplane. My history and faith are under attack and if I respond to the attack I will be too.

  13. I want a flipping bird and a statue in my front yard.

  14. "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

    George Santayana

    San Box John


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