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Saturday, May 06, 2017

Mom Who Won Custody Of 2 Frederick Kids After 'Prank' Videos Says They Were Abused

(NEW YORK) -- The biological mother of two children featured in "prank" videos their father and stepmother posted on YouTube, which garnered widespread backlash and allegations of child abuse, says she was horrified when she saw how her children were treated.

"It was very painful. I cried. I had an anxiety attack," Rose Hall told ABC News’ Nightline.

Hall won temporary “emergency custody” of the two children, Emma, 11, and Cody, 9, after Maryland police launched an investigation last week into videos posted by their father, Mike Martin, and their stepmother, Heather Martin.

"He [Mike] is abusing my kids, hurting my kids and making them feel bad about themselves," Hall said, referring to the YouTube videos. "He’s bullying the other kids to hurt my two kids.

"I’m glad I wasn’t in the same room as Mike and Heather at the time they did that to my children," she added.


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