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Saturday, May 13, 2017

Maxine Waters Thinks It Would've Been Fine for Hillary to Fire Comey, But Doesn't Support Trump Firing Him

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) is not only becoming a leader of the anti-Trump resistance movement, she is also saying crazier and crazier things in public. She rallied a crowd for Trump's impeachment and then said she never called for impeachment (in the same week), she forgot how to say the words North Korea, and now this. She actually said it would have been fine for Hillary Clinton, had she become president, to fire FBI Director Comey, but that it was not okay for Trump to do it. Even MSNBC wasn't buying her hypocrisy! MSNBC's Peter Alexander asked, "To be clear, you believe it would have been better to keep in place an FBI director who you said had no credibility to oversee this investigation than to find someone who you think would be a better choice?" She mostly ummmmed and ahhhhed during her response.



  1. these people should be in nursing homes or assisted care facilities...

  2. Sounds like the media.

  3. If all MSM would stop showing this BS then maybe we all can move on. Look Trump is doing great without the Dems. That is why all of them are coming out saying they are for the people but then show who they are really for (them self). If they would work with him this country would be so much better. I never watch any one that speaks out saying this is better for you but not me and mine. That right there tells you everything you need to know about who they really cares about. It is you or me. (map)

  4. Someone better get her pissed checked!! She is on some of the stuff James Brown left inside that damn wig!!!!

  5. If liberalism is a mental disorder, she's got it so bad she can't cipher reality from prejudice. Her only asset is ignorance.

  6. The best thing about Maxine is how blatantly stupid she is followed by how stupid her electorate is.


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