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Monday, May 22, 2017

Limbaugh: ‘We Are Watching a Silent Coup Here to Oust a Duly Elected President’

Friday on his nationally syndicated radio show, Rush Limbaugh questioned the motives of the numerous investigations into President Donald Trump and his alleged ties to the Russian government.

Limbaugh said despite the lack of evidence of such ties, there are these investigations underway and that it goes beyond incompetence, which he called a “silent coup.”

Limbaugh went on to criticize former FBI Director James Comey, who he suggested exhibited odd behavior regarding his interactions with Trump.

"I don’t know that there’s a lot of incompetence here. I know what you mean by that, but I think (sigh) this is all being fairly well executed by the people who have a strategy behind it. I mean, you have to have a lot of pieces in place to be able to carry out a story for which there’s no evidence for over a year..

"I think it has a purposeful, studied effort and outcome, which is a coup. We are watching a silent coup here to oust a duly elected president, and this coup is being mounted by career government people who can traffic anonymously and who are protected by people in the media and within the Democrat Party.. "

Partial transcript as follows (courtesy RushLimbaugh.com):


  1. AMEN! The lollypop lickers can't stand the fact that he got elected and that they were so wrong about their predictions.
    It's like they did everything right - in their minds- to get Lying Hillary elected and can't believe she didn't win.
    How could this be?
    He didn't stand a chance!
    They laughed at conservatives for even predicting he would win!
    So, now they have to get even and set their propagandized record straight. They create false narratives to create doubt in everyone - even his supporters- so that congress will vote against his Make America Great Again agenda.
    Don't succumb to the MSM and spit out the Kool-Aid! If you can't see what they are trying to do, look at Germany in 1935-45. When the socialist get the media behind them, even strong minds can bend.

  2. Pay Attention Democrats if you Impeach Trump be prepared for a Race civil war .

  3. The "shadow government" employees are scared / afraid President Trump will cut-off their gravy train.

  4. 12:39 You are delusional seriously... The Democrats didn't predict anything, they knew the election was rigged, and they knew they would win until they didn't for what ever reason, but chalk it up to god foremost... They had to let Trump win becasue he claimed there was voter fraud, and the democrats and the people who lie cheat and steal, couldn't let the hat out of the bag for an investigation even it if meant a set back for their party or the Illuminati or whom ever you call them... They will just use it in 3 years to get their people in place when you clowns forget about everything in the past as you so routinely do(der which way did he go george, which way did he go der)... This is what the democrats are hoping for... And you prove it to them all the time by needing them in your life standing beside you every second of the day yelling at you to breathe just so you will breathe sand stay alive...

    That is why the Democrats and the media are colluding together to run their mouth about Russian hacks, with no evidence to support it, and you all gobble it up like it's gold... They know if they just keep saying it and saying it and saying, eventually you will believe it, but sadly you believe it after the first time it is said... It is also funny how you believe it, when no one said shit until after he was elected, not one person said it before then but they had evidence all this time of Russian hacks??? give me a damn break...

  5. Hope Dimms are ready to throw down. Should they even try it, there will be a revolution that makes 1776 look like a birthday party. I'm ready to fight for my country, are you?


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