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Sunday, May 21, 2017

I Stand Behind My President


  1. Obama Crooked BastardoMay 18, 2017 at 6:07 PM

    Yes, Me Too.
    Much Better than last Crooked Bastardo we had.

  2. I stand behind my President too, screw the liberal biased MSM

  3. We need an investigation of the MSM to see who is really behind them.

  4. Even Fox news and many republicans are distancing themselves.

    1. lol you mean the owners liberals SONS ?Who are running fox news into the dem ground.

  5. The people not with him like the swamp.

  6. That's my Guy! Go, Donald!

  7. 6:31 PM: OH, so very true.

  8. Comey is / was behind a lot of these leaks. He is claiming Trump ask him to drop the investigation but he testified to a committee that no one had done that to his knowledge.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. People not supporting the president support the deep state. You may want to live in a fascist country but those supporting Trump do not. Do yourselves and the rest of us a favor and move out. There's plenty of countries who have regimes that will make all your decisions for you. Suggest you find one and get the hell out! 🖕🏻

  11. Pres. Trump needs to do like Lincoln, arrest and charge those naysayers with Treason, and lock them up! Arrest the bad Judges, Arrest those Media rats! Put Hillary in Prison!

  12. I would take a bullet for his safety

  13. Trump is tough but if all the republicans don't support him it may be more than he can overcome. Rino republicans like McCain and Paul Ryan and some others that are scared to death of the democrats and could be responsible for the total destruction of this country, we all know democrats want to ruin the country but rino republicans deserve a special amount of hatred for their collusion.

  14. I also stand behind him 100 percent.
    There is a witch hunt on by the Democrats and the establishment Republicans to have him removed. I would expect this from a third world country but not the U.S. I fear for both this nation and the aftermath if they have him removed from office. The media have proven themselves to be the enemy of the people.

  15. It's the Republican Party's responsibility to stand behind the president. That's the problem with the whole Republican Party, they turn on their own every chance they get and it's the reason they never get anything done. Instead of worrying about PC they should worry about making our lives better because we pay their GD salaries.

  16. I am behind him 100%. He was elected by the people and the liberals need o accept it, move on and respect that he is the president of the United States Give the man a chance to get us back on track again. Democrats are just making an ass of themselves - little cry babies!~ You lost so get over yourselves and move on PLEASE!!!

  17. I heard that a bunch of students plan to walk out on a commencement speech at Notre Dame by the vice president because they may not have insurance or because someone illegal is graduating and the parents are worried about going to the ceremony so a bunch of students plan to be disrespectful to the vice president and walk out. I can't believe I was listening to these kids! I was and my children were born and raised in this county my entire family has defined this county for many generations. We are mayflower decedents and my children worked very hard in school, played sports, honor roll and they couldn't get in to Notre Dame!!! Now we owe thousands and thousands of dollars in school loans and parent plus loans. I can't get a job to pay back the parent plus loans. You don't know what I would like to say to those students that plan on walking out on our vice president. CNN why don't you interview me because I have a few things to say to those students that walk out!


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