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Sunday, May 14, 2017

Hypocrite Obama to Pocket $3 MILLION for One Speech

Holy crap! Barack Obama will make 3 million Euros (which equals in today’s currency: $3,264,062.67) for one stinking speech in Milan on his presidential speaking circuit. They shouldn’t just suspend his pension for serving as President (roughly $400,000 a year), they should cut it off entirely. That is insane. Remember the two speeches he gave here in the States? Each was worth $400,000 and now this. It isn’t just lucrative… it’s obscene.

This is also surreal… Obama is staying at the Park Hyatt hotel there for 8,400 Euros a night ($9139.38). That’s far beyond elitism. He sees himself as freaking royalty. As Obama descended on the city, he brought everything to a standstill with 14 cars, a helicopter and a police escort of 300 officers. That is just over the top. His group took up two floors of the hotel all by itself. Who does he think he is? Caesar? Or maybe, Mussolini. My God… that’s not living like an ex-president, it’s living like a king.



  1. The fact that people pay it and pay to hear him give a speech is just crazy...

  2. It's called capitalism and a market economy. If someone wanted to pay you big bucks - millions of dollars - to make a speech, you're telling me you'd turn it down out of some sense of honor or ethics? Haha, not bloody likely.

    1. Watch his campaign speeches starting with the senate. According to him then it's everything that is wrong with the world to be paid that money... your also correct to point out what favors did obama do for the particular country to pay him that much money. WE THE PEOPLE paid dearly.

    2. Italy is on the break of economic collapse and our taxes are paying for obamas pension and fuel but your ok with it because he is your oracle

  3. 1:07 that's what I'm saying haha. I'd do it naked for that much

  4. I volunteer to speak. I'll even read whatever words you want me to say.

  5. I for one am glad it isn't being funded out of our pockets for once! They can keep him for all I care!

  6. No worries,liberals come to his defense just like Clinton could molest all the women he wanted to and they attacked the women.

  7. Mr his "Royal Highness" is in fact his royal lowness. What arrogance and sense of entitlement he has. Obnoxious and a narcissist, worst president in U.S. history.

  8. How is this hypocritical or elitist? You're saying you'd turn it down if someone offered you $3 million to give a speech?

    We have a President right NOW who's tying up 5th Avenue in NYC just to secure one building. It's costs the city $1 million a day. Last I checked $1 million is a lot more than $9139.38

    And what about all his golf trips back to Mar-A-Lago for 3-4 days a week when he should be WORKING?

    He's pocketing OUR money.

    1. The article is about obama not trump but I see your butt hurts. And your comment is laughable not even worth debunking it.

  9. Bob Aswell....RealistMay 11, 2017 at 2:44 PM

    REMEMBER, you Dems put him there. If you remember, He was elected from NOTHING and bestowed the highest office in the free World as the Leader. When you expose a 'crumb' to the horn of plenty you CAN'T be surprised when he fills his pockets. He hasn't shown ANY morals or scruples since inauguration.He was 'supposed' to have went to College for free and that's all he knows. Why should he start now???
    Bob Aswell....Realist

  10. He is the Crown Prince of Entitlements.

  11. 1:07
    It is capitalism when someone pays for a good or service, however it is called cronyism when someone showers someone else with money in exchange for rules and laws that distort the free market.
    These groups that are paying Oscumbag these big bucks are expecting his influence in the carbon cap and trade laws that are basically a tax on living for everyone except the influential and wealthy elites.

    Wake up. Dumbocrats think of you and I as "Deplorables" that need to be corralled and made to work for them.

  12. Look if you no longer have a job and you are out of that job. You can file for unemployment or you can only make so much a year. Why do we keep paying for ex POTUS when they can get money like this? Makes no sense to me. (map)

  13. 2:29 add in his travel and security as past President to all his travels and he is way ahead of what Pres Trump is costing tax payers. Just another Liberal leaving all cost out and using just enough to look legit

  14. Excuse me...who is this Barack Obama?

  15. My concern is he is using more air to breath as he is rambling on and on. Now that is a waste of good air that we breath.

  16. How about payoff $$$'s for past services rendered by a U.S. President?

  17. Hello my children, have you now heard my message?


  18. Think ex-presidents are entitled to 2 agents round-the-clock until their successor leaves office. Same for spouse and minor kids.

    After that, let him pay for his private security out of pocket,

    Just a lyin' liar, same as before.

  19. U just insulted Caesar and Mussolini. Both were better than Obutthead.

  20. So sick of hearing about this clown! Want him to go away. That'd be worth a few million.

  21. It ain't capitalism, it's payback. Plain and simple.


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