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Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Hillary Clinton is making fools out of feminists

There's a sucker born every minute, goes the old saying, and several hundred of them gathered at Wellesley College last Thursday to cheer Hillary Clinton as she rehashed, complained about and justified her electoral loss by saying in different ways over and over that she is simply too good for this world. Seriously, just how addled does one have to be to take this nepot and parasite as an inspiration for women, and as a model of how one should build her career?

To follow Clinton's career path, one has to first attack then-Sen. Edward Brooke, R-Mass., at your graduation from Wellesley. Second, proceed to Yale Law School to meet and marry a skilled politician. Third, follow him home to suppress bimbo eruptions and otherwise serve as first lady of Arkansas. And fourth, wait for the day he's elected as president, so that you are first lady for real.



  1. She's reached the point in her undeserved and failed career where she becomes two dimensional, just a cardboard cutout.
    She can write books and go on speaking tours, but the message is the same tired whine against all who allegedly bruised her ego.

  2. And what an ego it is!

  3. Why would any organization have her represent them, apparently Wesley graduates what a loser.


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