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Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Hawaii Lawyer: Trump Exec Order Violates 1st Amendment Because Honor Killings Are Islamic

The lawyer representing the State of Hawaii in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit today has stated the collection of data with regards honor killings should be removed from President Trump’s Executive Order in order to “pass constitutional muster”.

In his arguments, Neal Katyal stated today that the collection of such data as outlined by theExecutive Order 13780 contravenes the Establishment Clause, in the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion…”.

In doing so, Katyal appears to be making the case that honor killings — murder committed in the name of restoring a family’s dignity following discouraged behaviour within fundamentalist homes — is in itself Islamic.



  1. I'm so confused. In the Islamic religion honor killings are acceptable. Hey people....YOU'RE NOT IN ISLAM. You're in the United States of America. We view intentional killing anyone is MURDER & punishable under our laws. If anyone wants to practice honor killing they are more than welcome to go to a country that allows such a practice. You are more than welcome to go to your church & pray but killing is cultural not religious. Enough is enough already!!!

  2. Whoa, there! Not here, not now, not ever.

  3. But if your religion contradicts our laws, then you don't belong in this country!
    You have no right to become a citizen in the first place.

  4. Mormons believe in bigamy, but it is illegal just the same. The LAW applies to everyone, not just one religion.

  5. Trump just extended the Iran deal that he called "the worst deal ever". True to form I'm sure all his supporters here will do a 180 and say it really is the best deal ever.

  6. Hawaii - The Liberal State & home of manufactured/fake birth certificates i.e. Barry Sorento
    Hawaii - Much like a foreign country - now apparently pro-muslim

  7. So honor killings are just fine but using toilet paper is not?

  8. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Does that ring any bells?

  9. Islam is Tolerant of Other Religions The Myth: Religious minorities have flourished under Islam. Muslims are commanded to protect Jews and Christians (the People of the Book) and do no harm to them. In Sura 109, the Quran says, "To you, your religion. To me, mine." The Truth: Religious minorities have not “flourished” under Islam. In fact, they always dwindle to mere shadows after a few centuries of persecution and discrimination. Some were converted from their native religion by brute force, others under the agonizing strain of dhimmitude. What Muslims call “tolerance,” others correctly identify as institutionalized discrimination. The consignment of Jews and Christians to dhimmis under Islamic rule means that they are not allowed the same religious rights and freedoms as Muslims. They cannot share their faith, for example, or build houses of worship without permission.

  10. Islam is more a government and way of life, NOT just a religion.

    Therefore, our Establishment clause cannot apply, since it is a government, not a religion.

    On another note, until you complete Citizenship requirements, our Constitution and Bill of Rights do not apply to you.

    When you are not a U.S Citizen, only your home country constitution, if you have one, applies here. You hold no "rights" under OUR Constitution.

    Let's get that straight right on the get go!


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