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Friday, May 19, 2017

Governor Hogan: Accelerating Economic Development


  1. Youve taxed us ALL to death. Youve hardly eased any of the burden that you claimed you would. Youve destroyed the value of the dollar. Forced less efficient fuels so we'll buy more, driven up the cost of everything esp groceries. Destroyed the construction market, taxed away all the jobs, destroyed health care. Working families are being robbed daily by your leo revenue collectors while thugs get turned loose to rape rob and pillage yet again, every city in md including salisbury has become a breeding ground for violent crime, drugs and death. Nothing at all seems to slow your spending even tho a great portion of md is in deep poverty....and all you over paid bureaucrats put-on paid get-togethers to try n figure out why things arent working out so well......

  2. Well, I kind of agree a little with 637, but temper that with the fact that he's only had a couple of years to undo 20 years of Democratic destruction. Yes, I would like to see more of the cure come faster.

    Larry, what have you got?

  3. 6:37 is correct. Fact is - construction was and always has been the very first industry to pull an economy out of recession. But with the Maryland's residential sprinkler laws, BAT septic systems (Hogan given credit for this one for repealing), tier maps, critical areas legislation (severely expanded from initial concept), Agricultural preservation act, Tree hugging act - I could go on and on - there is no way in Sam's He_ _ that Maryland can exponentially expand it's GDP under the current Maryland legislature guidance. The Maryland legislature has theoretically signed Marylander's own death warrant.

    Point 2 - The Maryland Legislature even went so far as to assign the State's pension debt burden for the school teachers (previously the corridor method) onto the backs of each County - and that exponential increase alone is enough to shut down any economic recovery. Wicomico's pension liability started at 1.2 million the first year and within 7 years that amount escalated to approximately 10 million dollars. And that is just one local jurisdiction.

    Point 3 - My advise to any prospective business (Fortune 500 or not) is to stay out Maryland. The pastures are much greener in many other areas of the Country, but certainly not ours here in Maryland.


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