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Saturday, May 20, 2017

George Soros Still Quietly Buying District Attorneys’ Seats Photo of Peter Hasson PETER HASSON

George Soros has all but bought another district attorney’s seat.

The left-wing billionaire turned the Philadelphia district attorney’s race on its head by giving $1.45 million to fund a super PAC in support of his preferred candidate, Larry Krasner. Krasner, a progressive lawyer who has never worked as a prosecutor, sailed to an easy victory in the Democratic primary on Tuesday. Because Philadelphia is a Democratic stronghold, Krasner’s primary victory all but guarantees him to win the general election in November.

The influx of money from Soros gave Krasner a significant leg up over his opposition. Despite splitting votes with six other candidates, Krasner, who was not a favorite to win before Soros’ investment, finished 18 points ahead of the second-place finisher. As one Philadelphia Inquirer writer put it after the billionaire’s investment: “Soros changed the game.”



  1. Soros is behind EVERYTHING to do with taking down Trump he needs to be hung for Treason.

  2. Elizabeth Warrens daughter is in charge of his foundation. Sits the chair...

  3. "...he needs to be hung for Treason"

    You gotta find him first.

  4. When will this man die?!!

    1. he is of the devil....hell awaits this punk..

  5. You know, 3:04, I kind of wonder about that, myself. Here we have Soros, older than Methuselah, Nancy Pelosi at 77, Feinstein soon to be 84, Bernie is close to 80, etc.. Just how much longer can these dinosaurs keep screwing us over?

  6. I wish old George would quietly disappear.

  7. If you look closely you can see the puppet strings.

  8. When will some government, and I don't really care whose, stops all of these people. And, by all of these people, I mean the Bilderberg group, the Bohemian Grove group and the Illuminati (if real). These people control the finances and politics of much of the world and are trying to change the world in ways that we will likely not recover from in our grandchildren's lifetimes.

  9. He has sons that are following in his footsteps. Russia ban him and all his businesses / organizations connected to him and confiscated all his assets in Russia. Why does the US not do the same as an enemy of the state. Soros is the leader of the "shadow government" that is slowly over throwing US democracy.


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