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Monday, May 08, 2017

FCC Looking Into Complaints About Stephen Colbert’s Anti-Trump Jokes

TV host Stephen Colbert recently responded to President Donald Trump’s insulting remarks to CBS reporter John Dickerson with a slew of invective of his own. Now, FCC Chairman Ajit Pai says his Commission is looking into complaints that the Late Show host’s remarks may have violated obscenity regulations. 


  1. Too bad there's not a law that prohibits someone being terminally UN-funny. He would get life w/no parole.
    Letterman started this type of crap...Basically a show that does nothing but bash the President.
    I've long since turned him off - catching just a few minutes of his monologue every so often, just to see how low he'd go.
    Hopefully the FCC will think he crossed the line this time.

  2. God forbid if anyone would've said that about Obama

  3. disgusting i wish the dems said that about obastard ?

  4. While there investigating how about Investigating AL SHARPTON ? I thought the IRS was supposed to Arrest him ?cmon Trump.

  5. Colbert is sooooo not funny. His rant was not humor in the least and could not be construed as anything but outright sedition. This is not the Soviet Union but he should be severely reprimanded; suspension from the program for a period of time (forever) would be good. Bill Mahar is another protagonist who needs to go.

  6. Stopped watching that crap when Carson retired. Did check out Leno on occasion. Don't even know who the turds on late night are now.

  7. What he said was homophobic, he should be taken to task for it. Great to see so many conservatives taking a stance against homophobia.

  8. I watched him a couple of times &
    was thoroughly disgusted with his
    remarks about the President. He
    needs to GO !

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Colbert is sooooo not funny. His rant was not humor in the least and could not be construed as anything but outright sedition. This is not the Soviet Union but he should be severely reprimanded; suspension from the program for a period of time (forever) would be good. Bill Mahar is another protagonist who needs to go.

    May 8, 2017 at 7:28 AM

    I agree completely

  10. OK...Keep Your Stinking Hands Off of Free Speech!!!!! I don't care what he said but I will defend to the death his right to say it. Don't you see what is coming at us people. THE END OF FREE SPEECH. We can look at people be killed on Facebook all day....but God forbid we be able to say anything off color about an elected official. What is this N. Korea??????

  11. 7:28 AM again to 2:42 PM. Ohhhhhh, so any negative remarks that may have been made by a conservative aimed at President Obama were NOT racist and hate filled vitriol; just free speech, right? Might want to tell that to members of the liberal congress, senate, late night "comedy" hosts, Hollywood dissenters, day time liberal program hosts, the lame stream media, etc.


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