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Monday, May 22, 2017

FBI assisting investigation into possible hate crime link in U.Md. fatal stabbing

WASHINGTON — In a joint news conference Sunday night, the FBI and University of Maryland police are investigating whether or not the stabbing death of a student on the university’s campus is a possible hate crime.

They believe race could be the key motivator in the death of 23-year-old Richard Collins III, who is a black student from Bowie State University.

Sean Christopher Urbanski, 22, of Severna Park, Maryland, has been charged with first- and second-degree murder in the case. Urbanski, who is white, is a member of a white supremacist Facebook group, according to University of Maryland police Chief David Mitchell.

Campus police responded to a report of an assault with a knife on Regents Drive near Montgomery Hall at a bus stop around 3:05 a.m. Saturday.



  1. OF course we will look at this as a hate crime, but if Blacks do anything to Whites, its a free ride.

  2. But don't even look into a black guy driving down the sidewalk for 3 blocks running down white people, and screaming "I wish I could have killed them all", isn't a hate crime?

  3. Or the kid that was jumped a couple weeks ago by 4 blacks in Baltimore and had his face crushed, Didn't even make the news.

  4. Well if they didn't investigate this as a hate crime the blacks would start tearing things up looting and burning. They have no self control and revert back to the uncivilized behavior from the jungles of Africa.

  5. Is the FBI assistance supposed to give us any solace? Really? The same FBI that let criminals go free and promoted the BS in Fergusson? Sorry, not buying it. Sounds like a bunch of BS to me.

  6. 11:34am...you're correct.

  7. How dumb and ignorant are you people. This boy was about to graduate college next week a lieutenant in the armed services. Did not nothing wrong, minding his business and you are whining about whether or not this sick bastard should be charged w/ a hate crime? Who cares? The end result should b death or prison. If he was black it should been the same. Show some f n compassion what if that had been your child. The ignorance. Then act sensitive about being called racist. Sounds racist and looks racist.

    1. The shore billies can't accept that this was decent educated young man who happened to be black. This town is full of racists.

    2. True i wouldnt care how he s charged as parent id be more worried that this sick bastard was on a campus a place which is suppose to be safe for all races colors and creeds. Many of our local kids go there and are soon going there. This sicko had the potential to have hurt more innocent kids. And we have lost someone willing and wanting to protect and serve our country.

  8. Sound like preschoolers on here. Wait a minute, they are more mature than this

  9. Good. Glad you feel this way God forbid it happens to a good white child w/ a promising future, people should just forget the victim and lobby the assailants rights. These post show jus how sick and narrow minded people really are and you are no more better than the "black thugs" you talk so badly about.

  10. I guess white people are not committing the same crimes you describe in these posts Gtfoh

  11. Its been a long time but isn't this BUSH'S FAULT?

    Prayers to the Collins family.


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