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Sunday, May 21, 2017

Developing: A car in New York's Times Square has struck several pedestrians 5-18-17

It was not immediately clear how many people were injured.

Photos on social media showed a car with a smoking hood slightly overturned on a barrier at the corner of 45th and Broadway. A New York police spokeswoman said she had no immediate information.


  1. There stating its a DWI.

  2. This is normal for OC so why front page for NYC?

  3. An officer at the scene said this black guy is a supporter of ISIS and also was trying to kill as many white people as he could. "He drove his car over white people". He than stated, "Watch how the Media spins this".

    1. Where did you hear this i cant find it on google ?

    2. Do you know the officer? Did he call you and tell you his? Sure isn't being said anywhere else. Not even the internet lol

  4. 3:30. Because it's not true!!

  5. Fox News and CBS News say that the driver had several previous DWI's and that he is being transported to be tested for drugs and alcohol. Daily Mail states that the driver says, "I was smoking pot." I don't know what he was doing as I wasn't there but I can assure you of one thing. This guy was doing more than "smoking pot." Unless it was synthetic pot or pot dipped in PCP. Regular marijuana will NOT cause a person to want to run over 3 blocks filled with pedestrians.

  6. Now they are saying that he was smoking K2, the synthetic marijuana. Knew it could not be regular marijuana. That wasn't even feasible.

  7. Black guy drive on the sidewalk for 3 blocks running down white people, and it is not even being talked about as a "Hate Crime" or "Terrorist Attack", Liberal Media can't tell the truth at all. Pres. Trump is right, Media is all about Fake News!

    1. Thats bc the idiot big bird mayor shut down the nypd and there comments.


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