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Saturday, May 27, 2017

Date Change Needed For Troubling Weekend

The time has come to moving the spring Cruisin’ weekend event to earlier in the spring season.

Whether it’s held in March or April, it’s likely the same problems seen last week will exist, but the only non-option is to do nothing and resolve that beefing up law enforcement will be able to tame the outside groups from ruining the weekend.

It’s clear the 3,300 registered participants in Cruisin’ Ocean City are not the problem. While they may not always be able to resist the urge to peel wheel or burn out at stoplights, there’s mechanisms in place to hold them accountable. Organizers have given police the ability to yank a registered vehicle’s participation in the daily car shows should there be any major issues.

We believe Cruisin’ Ocean City is a worthwhile event that should stay. The Boardwalk parades and the daily car shows are nice attractions for Ocean City. The problem is over time the event has been riddled with serious safety and quality of life concerns that are not directly linked to it.



  1. Old guys with their fat wives riding in classic cars are no different than the 65 year olds with their pony tails and their big gals on Harleys. All acting like kids and just trying to get some attention.
    OK I own both and I am 63 but I ride my bike and I don't need or want to be in a crowd of immature idiots. I also own a classic car and I don't go to car shows and pay ten dollars to get in so someone can look at my car. I went to the first OC event 20 some years ago that was enough, when a city or town post big signs about all that they can lock up for I realize there are to many dumbass people in that town that don't already know the law. They should run this event out of town, and bike week also. The guy that runs bike week brags about how much money he makes of OC

    1. 3:50pm...very well said and I completely agree. Ocean City has become something much less than a family oriented vacation spot. It is now the province of drunks, prostitutes, drug dealers, and other felons. As a life time local, I divorced myself from this wretched place yeats ago.

  2. Understand that OC is hard up and needs to have these special weekends because tourism just isn't enough for the teeth bearers of greed, but they are a serious inconvenience for everyone else around them. While the car shows are great, they often attract undesirables and provide transient victims with cash to burn. You'd think they would get these events are just a way for gangs to have dry runs on terrorizing tourists. OC is just a cesspool of nothingness. Don't understand why Fishers and Thrashers don't do mail order so people can just skip the tradition of traffic, overpriced meals and crowds of badly ill-dressed minions.

  3. Well, don't ever visit Key West, FL, then! The City plans an "event" for every weekend of the season so no matter when people plan their vacations, there's a "Festival" of some type going on.

    It's about money, folks. It's a resort town, folks. Dive in, participate, and make enough money for a second house in the country! Then you can read about it from a distance and move back in the off season!

  4. The answer is easy: Reckless Driving is unlawful. Post all the cops throughout the town and enforce the law. Use hand held cameras if necessary and snap their tags. Works for speed cameras. They don't even need to be in uniform. The second thing is to have someone in the Town responsible for developing a PLAN. Too many things (transportation) are being micromanaged by committee with no single person in charge.

  5. 4:19 We go to KW several times a winter and have never witnessed behavior of the likes that happens in OC during cruising or bike week. The worst things we've seen are some gays kissing each other, painted breasts that should have been covered up and some drunks staggering around. KW police and residents don't tolerate nonsense. The party area and the town for the most part are small enough that you don't need to drive and the have a great bus system that is free if you park in the city garages (unlike oc).

  6. If OC wants a bunch of goodie to shoes only then have that type of event. If they want a cruising / hot rod / bike week events then deal with it and all its things that are not suitable for the quit place people. The hot rodders want to occasionally show off and these promoters / OC tourist and council people know this will happen and they want to be jerks. So OC should cancel these events and portray the "family" atmosphere in which they are not. OC wants the money without enjoyment expressed by the Participants. I went to the first of each and have not been back since. I go out of MD to attend and enjoy these events along with a lot of my friends.

  7. How did OC survive the 70s and recession of the 80s? I don't remember any events where people were encouraged or allowed to create an unsafe environment and violate traffic and noise ordinances. Wait, it's becoming clearer. The OC politicians and city employees were not all making 6 figure salaries and spending was under control. It seems that greed and self enrichment have led to the need to draw groups like this to OC. It has driven our family away. We sold our property before the RE crash and bought a second home in NC after the crash with money leftover.


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