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Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Care to Coexist?

Radical Islam is counting on the Liberals to keep pimping coexistence. More victims to add to their dagger count. Keep cheering, Liberals.


  1. Liberals = Useful Idiots. Aren't they usually the first to be executed once takeovers are completed?

  2. How's that coexistence working out for all you peeps? Liberals are such idiots.

  3. Democrats = A Modern Day Nazi Party

    Democrats think it's perfectly okay and encourage those who wish to murder to infiltrate. No different then the Nazis.

  4. They don't like gays or women. They hate anyone who doesn't bow to Allalah. Why are liberals so hot to protect a group who will kill them without prejudice?

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Swamp Drainer of the ShoreMay 30, 2017 at 9:02 PM

    857 you are seriously misinformed. Why don't you back your mouth up with links? That's what I thought. You don't have any because you're pushing fake news fairy tales. Fact is, the Clintons have been the ones who have profited big time from Muslim countries, same with Obama. Do yourself a favor and quit making a moron of yourself. No one here believes your unicorn fairy tales and popsicle dreams.

  7. Ha ha. You guys are a joke. My commemt was removed because....the truth hurt too much. Swamp, how much have we spent building up the Iraqi army, the Afghan Army, Syriam rebels,
    Libyan rebels (the list goes on)? How many of our troops have we had fighting right alongside muslim armies? The point is you clowns are either uninformed or just plain full of it when you "Islam is evil, we cant coexist" yet chamlion politicians who are all for spending your tax dollars to nation build in Islamic countries.

  8. Just give them a job and everything will be fine they are so misunderstood.


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