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Sunday, May 28, 2017

Cable News Ratings Shock: Fox Slips to 3rd Place in Primetime for First Time in 17 Years

Fox News slipped to third place in the primetime demo for the first time in 17 years last week as competitors CNN and MSNBC enjoyed a surge in viewership thanks to a chaotic news week for President Donald Trump’s administration.

For the week of May 15-19, Fox News averaged just 497,000 viewers in the advertiser-coveted key demo of adults 25-54 during primetime hours, compared to CNN’s 589,00 and MSNBC’s 611,000, according to the Hollywood Reporter, which cited data from ratings tracker Nielsen.

However, the longtime cable news king remained second in total viewership, with an average of 2.41 million viewers over the course of the week, compared with CNN’s 1.65 million and MSNBC’s leading 2.44 million. Fox News also remained in the lead in primetime and total day viewership for the month of May.



  1. The misleading thing about this story is they indicate people are switching over to CNN or MSNBC. Hardly. Those ratings haven't changed at all. What's happening is since FNC's move to the left started, many former viewers are turning off news altogether. Yes, you read that right. They are just moving on to reading other sources like Breitbart or Mark Levin's new Conservative TV outlet with an online paid subscription. They are now moving away from Fox News (as predicted should they move left before they made the big switch) and going elsewhere for their news.

    Murdoch, a typical daddy of two snowflake sons, can't seem to say NO. He knows this is a recipe for disaster but like so many liberals, he just can't tell his kids no. Hence why there's so many snowflakes littering the streets with nonsense.

    This should be a lesson to all, never take anything for granted especially your viewer base. You just never know, the change may be the next decision, right around the corner.

    Tisk tisk.


  3. I stopped watching all of them. No cable = more money in my pocket.

  4. Oh please please 3:56 Fox going under would be a conservatives dream come true. If only we could be so lucky. I would give up all my designer handbags and my Corum watch just to see Fox go under. Many many stopped watching after they fired Ailes and then O'Reilly was the last straw. That is why ratings are falling. That was the plan. Conservative boycotts always work. The only worth watching are a few besides Tucker and Sean and their fans will follow them where ever they end up.

  5. is all a part of Their plan (you know who). They want your minds/brains! The Liberals have weak minds, hence the ease in which They can control them !! (Freebies, gimmedats)! Keep your mind away from the Televisions, that is Their mode of Brainwashing ! (Msm)!

    Reply now sweet ones!

    1. Hello, I am replying to your post. I would like to donate all my worldly possessions and income to join your cult, err, cause.
      First, a few questions: Who are "They," that control the liberal's minds? I don't know who. Are they alien reptiles demons with brain implants led by a Frankenstein's monster, named Obama, with scars and asymmetrical ears?
      Second: I can't watch TV?! That might be a deal breaker. Do you own a TV?
      Lastly: Is that you Jim Jones? You should try Craig's list or Facebook if you are looking for followers to drink your Kool-Aid.

      Yours truly,
      Sweet one

    2. Ahh my message has been heard now! My sweet ones let it be known The TelePrompter-in-chief is the One who wAnts to eat your brains !!!

  6. This was well predicted....They were not smart enough to work around the Bill O'Rilley issues then they brought dumb ass Bob Beckel back....just did rectify that issue and fired him again....They better call Bill ASAP and beg him to come back or the slide continues....Hannity can not fill all the time slots and sooner or later he will get tired of the declining audience pool and move on....they mover the Five to later in the night and split up that team and fired the one guy who actually had his finger on the pulse....just because the Murdoch's are rich doesn't mean they are to damn bright!!!

  7. the owners Liberal sons destroyed fox.

  8. It's not like it's rocket science Sweet one. You people have allowed yourselves to become so propagandized. It starts with that asinine African proverb you people fall for-It takes a village and goes downhill from there. Even someone of the moron IQ level has better sense then to believe it takes a village. Just look to any African country where the proverb originated for proof. Every single one is a lawless craphole. But you imbeciles still fall for the line because you are nothing but mere tools, who can't think for yourselves. Like good little brainless tools you repeat the nonsense and the lies too. So to answer your question-and again it's not rocket science.......
    "They" are the ones who are ramming by the shovelfuls down your throats, the BS. The shame of it all is that you people are such all obeying slaves and tools that you repeat the nonsense and the lies without question and without fail. It's a shame what you people have allowed yourselves to be reduced to.

    1. It is the imbecile who thinks they are more enlightened than the audience they are addressing. We are not your congregation! Get that through your rotten pecan sized, idiot brain! "Sweet one?" You obviously have no social abilities, likely no friends, and am a complete tool! Who addresses anyone as their children, and on a blog?! If you are a voice for anyone, you should try and stay silent, "my child." "You people?" Who are you talking to? You are insulting most people who have an obvious superior understanding of stating an appropriate opinion, rather than a cut and paste comment that you attach to dozens of news comment posts. You are truly pathetic. Try writing something insightful and not essays of pathetic science fiction. Time to grow up, kiddo!

    2. "You people?" So you are above everyone and you are lumping all into one hateful category that we are all at fault for, save you. Surely, with all your idiotic posts you grow more delusional, pompous, and idiotic. You are an imbecile if you think people are jumping on board your crazy train! Pathetic, "My child!"

    3. 7:48 - Hello my sweet child. I am curious as to which you speak. I am "attracted," to your incoherant, idiotic, and near indecipherable comments. I too am an idiot, such as yourself, and only wish to further damage my brain cells, so that I have a moronic i.q. and feel my senseless ramblings have some influence, as well. Thank you, my child! I look forward to hearing your future moronic posts, and I trust each will be more insane than the previous! God bless, my child, who is obviously inbred. Please refrain from procreating. Thank you.

    4. Obamas reptilian brainMay 24, 2017 at 9:48 PM

      Yes !!! Message received My Sweet One !

    5. The BS, yes !!! Make sure you raise your kids, no free bees or Ill eagles in this nation !!!

    6. 9:48- Are you on the pot? Meth? Are you huffing glue or spray paint right now? I am trying to wrap my head around what a huge idiot you are makingvyourself out to be.

  9. I used to watch Fox all the time and I mean all the time but no more since O'Reilly left. I do hope and pray it is bye bye for them.

  10. Fox is all but dead to me. They can't go "bye bye" soon enough as far as I am concerned. I will celebrate the day if and when it happens.
    What to keep an eye out for is One American News Network (OAN). Direct TV, FIOS carries the channel. Don't be one bit surprised if Bill O'Reilly doesn't buy into it and it branches out. Also don't be surprised if others from Fox don't migrate when that happens.


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