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Friday, May 12, 2017

BREAKING NEWS A major cyberattack hit 16 British health facilities, blocking access to patient files and causing emergency rooms to divert patients

The attack on Britain’s National Health Service stoked fears about hackers’ ability to wreak havoc on vital public services.

“It is still ongoing,” said Tom Donnelly, a spokesman for N.H.S. Digital, the arm of the health service that handles technology. “We were made aware of it this afternoon.”


  1. This thing is worldwide, not just the Brits

  2. Happens all the time in the US.. and the hospitals don't even know it...

  3. Wait until they hit wall street.

  4. The US is next. Obama mandated all medical files computerized for immediate access for all medical personnel through "Obamacare". All of you lovers of Obamacare quit complaining. This proves you can be targeted for altered medical treatment / care. The Government controls us now through drugs whether legal or illegal.


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