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Thursday, May 25, 2017

Breaking News: An appeals court refused to reinstate President Trump's revised travel ban. The case will likely go to the Supreme Court.

The federal appeals court in Richmond, Va., said the ban discriminated on the basis of religion. The decision was a fresh setback for the administration’s efforts to limit travel from several predominantly Muslim countries.


  1. HANG the liberal judges for TREASON.

  2. HANG the liberal judges for TREASON.

    1. @3:04 What century are you living in??!

  3. Why are you acting surprised? Great idea in theory but impractical and probably illegal to apply.

  4. Islam is not a religion.


    It's a governing way of life.

    Similar, but still a government as it is inclusive of ALL people of a country or region, and calls for 100% participation or beheading of anyone who will not comply.

    THAT is NOT how religion works.

    Got it?

    1. That's not how YOUR religion works. Got it?


  5. This decision underscores the importance of last November's election.

    The Fourth Circuit judges chose to hear the appeal 'en banc' (all the judges) rather than the usual procedure of a 3 judge panel whose decision could be appealed 'en banc'.

    By so doing they skirted the possibility of 3 judge panel upholding the President and writing a decision that would be challenging for an 'en banc' panel to overturn.

    Obama packed the Fourth Circuit with liberal idealogues and his mischief will take a long time to settle out.


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