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Monday, May 22, 2017

BREAKING: Kim Dotcom Just Admitted He Worked With Seth Rich to Get Info to WikiLeaks

Kim Dotcom, born Kim Schmitz, is a wanted man by the FBI, the Justice Department, and especially Hollywood. For the last decade or so, Dotcom has spent millions fighting extradition to the United States for copyright infringement laws involving Mega Upload, the file-sharing site he founded.

Accused of creating a medium where independent users of his site could upload, share and distribute files such as Hollywood movies, Dotcom cannot leave the country where he currently lives, New Zealand. That is, unless he wants to spend the rest of his life behind bars.

So why would a wanted man, larger than life as the notorious B.I.G, want to wade into the world of geopolitics? Maybe the answer can be found in the person of Seth Rich.

Rich, who was working for the Democratic National Committee (DNC), was killed assassination style just feet from his Washington, DC home. Despite authorities calling it a robbery, none of his valuables were taken, leaving many to question whether his death, which is still unsolved, was politically motivated.


1 comment:

  1. Kim Dotcom is a serious hacker with a long list of revelations against our government and this is the reason they want his blood so bad. He has the inside scoop on all things deep state and they want to shut him down quickly. Should tell you peeps something about his credibility if they want him so badly. Are you seeing trends happening now or do you still think the Left's propaganda fake news is a myth?


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