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Saturday, May 13, 2017

Bravo! The Donald Finally Fired A Swamp Creature

I was beginning to think the Donald’s days as the Great Disrupter were over before he even got started.

So bringing the hammer down on one of the most self-righteous prigs and self-aggrandizing Swamp Creatures to ever inhabit the Imperial City came just in the nick of time.

After all, just in the last week Trump got rolled by the Capitol Hill porkers on the continuing resolution and conned by the GOP leadership on Obamacare repeal, which is already DBA (dead before arrival) in the Senate. At the same time, his one-page Goldman Sachs tax plan has already been laughed off the beltway stage.

At least the long overdue Comey firing — it should have happened on January 20th within minutes of the swearing-in — gives him a chance to fight the most insidious threat of all.

The Democrats and the GOP’s Deep State shills like Senators McCain and Graham have never accepted the outcome of the 2016 election. Through the ill-disguised ruse of the Russian meddling investigation they are, in fact, essentially attempting to re-litigate the election and achieve an unconstitutional recount.

Folks, the Russian interference narrative is a colossal beltway scam. The case against the hapless General Flynn is threadbare, while the charge that certain Trump campaign operatives “colluded” with the Russians to influence the U.S. presidential campaign doesn’t even deserve the dignity of a belly-laugh.



  1. Koskinen should be next...then reform the tax system and get rid of the entire corrupt organization!

  2. The Russia thing would have been dead already if Trump hadn't left Comey, the Clinton co-conspirator, in office for so long. Should have fired him in January. He didn't need anybody's recommendation.

  3. IMO President Trump is moving to slow on draining the swamp. Since Harry Reid used the nuclear option any one that needs confirmation should be automatic for anyone that gets fired. That is unless the Republicans do not unite. Then we the voter will see the rogue / fake Republicans.


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