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Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Border Patrol Agents Seize Massive Amounts of Drugs After Migrant Crossings Drop

The sharp decline in border apprehensions of migrants illegally crossing the border resulted in a massive increase in the seizure of drugs in various border sectors in South Texas. Drug seizures by Border Patrol agents and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers rose dramatically over the past several months.

Information obtained by Breitbart Texas from CBP officials indicates a 177 percent increase in the seizure of heroin and a 129 percent increase in the seizure of cocaine. “The increase in illicit drug activity comes at a time when apprehensions have declined in recent months,” officials stated.

“The alignment of policy and strategy has led to significant gains in reducing illicit cross border activity in South Texas, we must stay vigilant,” Joint Task Force-West South Texas Corridor, Commander Manuel Padilla, Jr. said in a written statement. “Low apprehension numbers do not equate to a quiet border. Criminal organizations will continue to smuggle their contraband and threaten border security.”



  1. This should be expected. This is what Obama wanted coming across the border.

  2. How much do they estimate that they miss?

  3. Yet anyone can get any drug they want anytime

  4. Oh my, there goes the money for the democratic parties


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