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Friday, May 05, 2017

Blocking road = getting run over!


  1. road blocking protesters are dumber than animals

  2. bowling for libtards!

  3. As a jurist, I would not convict the driver of anything.
    The libtards blocking the road were given the opportunity to move out of the way and started attacking the driver.
    Looks like a case of self defense to me!

  4. LOL run the hell over them.....should have backed up and got going at 50 mph then hit the pile!!! GUARANTEE it would have been a STRIKE instead of a split.....Ha Ha Ha

  5. It's a good thing the driver had guts to move on before the driver suffered. More of this to come. Hit the gas, not the break. They get what they ask for every time.


  6. "The video actually shows a driver in São José running over a group of demonstrators who were blocking part of the Presidente Dutra highway during a general strike. According to Globo.com, two women were injured and the driver was later arrested for attempted murder."

  7. These people are a bunch of A__holes and deserve what they get. I am damn sick and tired of these bastards interrupting my way of life with there stupid antics. What in the hell is it all coming too as everything today is not politically correct and almost all of the liberal's infringe on others rights. Bring back the good old days where respect was shown back in the 60's.

  8. Interupt me and i interupt U.

  9. 1:36PM if you and the rest of these fools on here who run their mouth, would stop running your mouth and stand up and fight, help others who are fighting for you, then maybe this would stop, but no, you all just do what you are doing now, absolutely nothing to help but run your mouth about what things used to be like... As long as you people keep acting that way saying those things and doing nothing, you won't see things back to the way they used to be... The good ole days...

  10. 4:00 - Agree 100%. I have lots of opinions many of which I get emotional about. These asswipes state they are fighting for us and we should at least appreciate their actions if not stand and fight with them. BS on that. First, most people are too mature to need to resort to such tactics to be heard: second, the majority of the people totally dis agree with them on every single point: third, law breaking doesn't prove anything but how much of a jerk they are.

  11. The protesters are Trump haters and Trump supporters have no reason to fight.

  12. May 5, 2017 at 5:05 PM

    Take your meds, maybe then you won't get emotional.

  13. Pizza Protestors

  14. It's disappointing the other drivers didn't follow the lead of the mini van. Someone needs to make bumper stickers "I Don't Brake For Protestors" More and more people have had a belly full of these libtard idiots. Run them down and claim self defense.


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