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Sunday, May 14, 2017

Black Privilege Includes Getting Extensions on Finals at American University

Last week someone hung bananas around the campus of outlandishly expensive American University, along with the words “HARAMBE BAIT.” It is possible that the perpetrator was a woke person of color, considering that hate hoaxes have been occurring one atop another lately. Such incidents allow black militants to issue outrageous demands for still more special privileges, which liberal educrats obsequiously scurry to meet:

“For the remaining [sic] of the semester, the Bridge will become a sanctuary for people of color,” the ultimatum begins, referring to a student cafe and lounge on campus.

Students also demanded that “All POC [persons of color] students get extensions, and should not be penalized for already scheduled finals after the incident,” arguing that the racist incident on campus has distressed many students to the point that they are unable to focus on exams.

AU Provost Scott Bass quickly agreed to all of the demands. The crybullies were satisfied for the time being, although they could have insisted on still more. Bass…

…declared that meeting the demands “is just a minimum” and “doesn’t stop our commitment to do more”…

Hang some more bananas, get some more privileges.

It’s a good thing for whites that white privilege doesn’t entail actual real privileges like getting an extension on your exams. If things are made too easy for you, you aren’t likely to accomplish much.



  1. Of Course > Black Privilage is Everywhere in the USA !!!

    It is called a Race Card !!! Unlimited miles / Double Miles

  2. No Extensions for White Folks though !!

  3. What percentage of "black" does one need to be to invoke this privilege? What would happen if my "23 and Me" profile comes back showing that I had to African heritage but I looked European, would that count?


  5. yeah, because they are not able to, nor will they ever be able to surpass there white counterparts.

  6. Everything this anti White group does says Blacks aren't smart enough without Snowflake help...Who's the racist...LOL

  7. Well than there now, this is prove "they" can't cut the mustard.

  8. The Majority of America is WHITE 73% And pay the MAJORITY of Welfare So cut off there welfare and let them fend for themselves.

    1. Agreed! Problem is crime will skyrocket more than it already has, they think they are ENTITLED to anything whitey has.

    2. 7:23 "as well as mines" ? And you work for social services ?

  9. The DUMBING down of American students has gone on for far too long. We are raising generations of IDIOTS who can't seem to get their act together.

    STOP coddling these people and make them follow rules...stop making everything easy for them no matter what color they are.

    This is NOT the way we were raised and, as for me, I'm sick of seeing what we have to look forward to. Our future doesn't look good and their is in the tank because of the clueless snowflakes.

  10. Why don't the White students claim that they need an extension due to the stress of not being included in the extension?

  11. Somehow I think that a significant number of the graduates will be working in the public sector, starting at GS-7.

  12. Hispanics outnumber blacks in this country, and yet blacks think they are special. Our education system in this country has really screwed them up.

  13. The Monkey people are a drag on all of our resources.

  14. Because they are a proud people 2:40

  15. Whites find numerous ways to hustle their privilege.

    1. 7:14 bahahaha! Please explain. Oh let's see...we go to work everyday and bust our arse for the likes of you? Yea I want me some white priviledge. 😂


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