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Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Ben Jealous, former NAACP president, announces run for MD governor

WASHINGTON, D.C. (WBFF) - Ben Jealous, former president of the NAACP, confirmed Tuesday he will run for Maryland governor.

A Democrat, Jealous, 44, cited his record of civil rights and the diversity of the state as factors that could help him win, according to a press release.

He was born in Pacific Grove, Calif., but his parents met in Baltimore and Jealous "became steeped in civil and voting rights work and spent summers in Baltimore with his maternal grandparents," according to the release.



  1. Can wait to vote against this racist bigot against white people!
    A California communist!

  2. Hurray, I am going to run right out and vote for an Obama California guy for Governor of Maryland. NOT!!!!!!

  3. He will probably win. Think he is in the Muslim brotherhood not sure.

  4. I been jealous at times too.
    But i won't be running for Governor.


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