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Friday, May 12, 2017

Baltimore Has Become A Rotting, Decaying War Zone Amid Raging Opioid Epidemic

It is hard to believe that Baltimore was once one of the greatest cities in the entire world. Unlike nearby Washington D.C., Baltimore is a blue collar city that is home to some of the hardest working people in America. When I was in high school, my brother and I were huge fans of the Baltimore Orioles, and once in a while our parents would drive us from our home in Virginia all the way up to Baltimore to see them play. As an adult, I spent a number of years living near D.C., and I would take frequent trips up to Baltimore.

To say that the city is in a state of decline would be a major understatement. Everywhere you look there are abandoned buildings and homes, and as you drive through some of the worst areas you can actually see drug addicts just lying in the streets. Just like so many other communities all over this country, decades of liberal policies have taken a brutal toll, and now the city is just a rotting, decaying shell of the glorious metropolis that it once was.

There are some sections of Baltimore that you simply do not go into once the sun goes down. And actually it isn’t a very good idea to go into those areas during the day either. The crime in the city has gotten so bad that authorities have actually formally requested help from the federal government

According to The Baltimore Sun Newspaper, the city has logged in 118 homicides today with the projection of 400 murders for year’s end. It’s so bad here that Baltimore’s Mayor has asked the Federal Government for help in attempt to regain control. Even the police union sounds the alarm of an officer shortage leading to decrease in patrols. All of this is occurring as the Baltimore population declines, nearing a 100-year low, U.S. Census says.

Through the end of April, Baltimore was on pace for the highest murder rate in the history of the city.

Yes, you read that correctly.



  1. You can't possibly mean Charm city. It's been run by liberals for years so it must be nearly perfect.

  2. "Has become..." Not a news flash folks - this happened when Marty O'Moron was running the place and started earlier. He tried to do it to the entire state - but thanks to governor Hogan, we're slowly recovering. The he tried to do it to the country - one of the few things I'm thankful for the HildaBeast doing is rigging the primary so he couldn't get elected...thankfully, the country saw through that and rejected her as well!

  3. The current city council best answer is to make it a sanctuary city and move in illegals.

  4. Funny how the snowflakes never see the pattern. Liberals = decay and crime.

  5. Let them rot. The mayor allowed the rioters to tear it down.

  6. LOL I know right "has become." No it's been on a steady decline ever since the last Republican mayor decades ago. It's just like every other democrat strong hold-a cess pool of crime and poverty not fit for dogs to live in. It's the democrat way. Turn every thing they touch into a pile of stinking rotting crap. Its unfortunate the immoral ghetto dwellers are too stupid to vote smart so they deserve nothing more then to be wallowing and drowning in what they created.

  7. thanks Party of Liberal Jim!

  8. The liberals are too thick headed and selfish to admit the policies of the past 50+ years have been a total failure.
    They realize that if they try to change things the native will get restless and maybe won't vote for them in the next term.


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