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Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Auntie Maxine meltdown: ‘You can’t impeach a woman of Congress!’

Is all the impeachment talk boomeranging on Maxine Waters?

A constituent filmed an encounter with the California Congresswoman on Monday and the two clashed before Waters declared that a member of Congress couldn’t be impeached.

The constituent, who was unnamed in the video that was posted by YouTube user Melani Bell, began by telling Waters that she’s been calling her office and sending her emails for “five minutes of your time.”

“You’re one of 700,000,” Waters replied, referring to the number of constituents she has.

The constituent wanted to complain to Waters about her treatment of President Trump.

“I can’t stand him,” Waters said, cutting her off. “He’s the most horrible man I’ve ever seen in my life.”

“I love my president,” the woman replied.

“I’m glad you do,” Waters said.

When the woman wanted to know why Waters wouldn’t also represent her views in Washington, Waters said, “Your president is a dishonorable, lying man,” adding that he “lies every day.”



  1. Only 2 Presidents have ever been impeached. BILL CLINTON was one of them. Bill also lost his license to practice law. But it was James comeys fault I think.

  2. Now that we know how one of her constituents views her, can we get an accurate estimate of how many other Democrats want to disown her?

  3. Someone needs to actually start the impeachment process against her (if there is one)!

  4. Waters and Pelosi both need to go, along with many other law breakers in Congress. They took an oath to uphold the Constitution and laws of the land and they have violated them. They're not even hiding the fact that they are allowing illegals to stay in this country, using taxpayer money to protect them from government employees just doing their job by arresting and deporting them. That's obstruction of justice, so these politicians could legally be removed from office. I hope Trump doesn't go back on his word to fully investigate Hillary and charge her for the crimes she committed.

  5. Please someone tell her the fire under her cauldron went out a long time ago.

  6. If her constituents weren't as stupid as she is, they would VOTE her out of office.


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