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Saturday, May 27, 2017

As Nursing Homes Evict Patients, States Question Motives

According to the federal government, the top complaint about nursing homes is wrongful eviction. Advocates say nursing homes want residents who pay more but require less care.

People complain about nursing homes a lot: the food's no good or there's not enough staff, and so on. It's a long list. But the top complaint, according to the federal government, is eviction from a nursing home.

Technically, it's known as involuntary discharge, and in 2015 it brought in more than 9,000 complaints. Now, a couple of states are looking for ways to hold nursing homes accountable for unnecessary evictions.

One of those states is Maryland. Brian Frosh, the state's attorney general, says that, in Maryland, more than half of all involuntary discharges have come from just one small chain of nursing homes run by Neiswanger Management Services, or NMS Healthcare.



  1. I worked at a local nursing home in the bury that had Medicaid patients. Law is, if they are not in bed (maybe at the hospital or relative home for the weekend) you can not bill for that day.

    They wanted me to bill because their attitude was " we don't get paid much we deserve it".

    I left shortly after that.

  2. What ever happened with the Hartley Hall case?

  3. Swamp Drainer of the ShoreMay 27, 2017 at 9:54 AM

    They get rid of these patients but Hartley Hall continues to house a criminal in a building full of potential victims? What's wrong with this picture, kids?


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