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Sunday, May 21, 2017


A Special Education teacher at Wicomico High School is on administrative leave pending the outcome of judicial proceedings on criminal charges. According to Maryland Judiciary case records, Lynn Jensen was charged Wednesday, May 17 with sex abuse of a minor and 4thdegree sex abuse.

The safety of our students is our highest priority each and every day, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Donna C. Hanlin said. The school system is working cooperatively with law enforcement on its investigation. Anyone with information is asked to contact the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office.

Principal Don Brady informed school families of the arrest in a call home Wednesday:

“Good evening Wicomico High School parents and guardians.

This is Mr. Brady calling to inform you that local law enforcement has charged Lynn Jensen, a teacher at Wicomico High School, with sex abuse of a minor. On the afternoon of Thursday, April 27th, the administration received information which resulted in our immediate notification of district administration, law enforcement and Child Protective Services. Ms. Jensen was placed on administrative leave that same day and is no longer teaching, pending the outcome of the judicial process as well as the school system's administrative investigation.

Every day, you trust your children to our care, and our number one priority is the safety of our students and it is a responsibility that we do not take lightly. Please be assured I will always take immediate action anytime there appears to have been a violation of the trust between students and educators. Please take time to speak to your child about this matter. If any student or parent has information about this situation, please contact the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office. In addition, the school will have counselors available to meet with any student who needs or wants support. In the meantime, if you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you.”


  1. Always thought that stuff only happened in FL or AL.

  2. This is disgusting.

  3. These good ole boys need to have background cks yearly.

    1. Times sure have changed. I remember when Ms. was a female.

    2. You're an idiot.

  4. At least there was a report to law enforcement, dismissal action, and notification of parents rather than sweeping it under the rug. Sad situation for students and families.

  5. Went to high school with her. Never would have thought she would have done something like this...

  6. These good ole boys need to have background cks yearly.

    May 17, 2017 at 8:44 PM

    what, the good old boys having sex with female teacher? Who do you think needs the background checks? It is female teachers having sex more than males with females lately.

  7. 9:39. INNOCENT until proven guilty!

    1. There isn't that luxury in the court of public opinion.

    2. True. The case will probably be moved our of Wicomico County since they may feel they can not find an i.partisl jury.

  8. 10:31 this is true. This is just an alleged crime. The law says innocent until proven guilty. Although I don;t know any of the facts in this case. I do know that teenagers have been known to lie. So if a male teacher gives a female student a failing grade it has not been unheard of for the student to claim he touched her inappropriately. Not saying this is the case here. But the teacher does deserve the chance to defend herself.

  9. I've had my dealings with Don Brady and he is a POS who needs to be fired from the BOE.

    1. You are correct!

    2. Yes!! He's a jerk and should not be an principal!

    3. Why because he doesn't put up with bs. Do his job for a week! I'm glad he is a jerk so he doesn't cater to the parents and students like the rest of these kiss up principals trying to make it to the board.

  10. Anonymous said...
    9:39. INNOCENT until proven guilty!

    May 17, 2017 at 10:31 PM

    She's already been proven GUILTY or they wouldn't have arrested her.

  11. Anonymous said...
    Times sure have changed. I remember when Ms. was a female.

    May 17, 2017 at 9:25 PM


  12. Was it sex with a special ed student?

    1. Who cares it's an abuse of trust regardless

  13. She admitted to it. So she's not innocent until proven guilty. She's just guilty. And sick.


  14. She's already been proven GUILTY or they wouldn't have arrested her.

    May 18, 2017 at 4:25 AM

    thats not how it works

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    She admitted to it. So she's not innocent until proven guilty. She's just guilty. And sick.

    May 18, 2017 at 6:27 AM

    Admitted it to whom? Where?

  16. My son said they boy she had sexual contact with went around bragging he had sex with her. That is how the investigation began.

  17. Fire department at wi hi right now

  18. Joe,

    You should start asking questions around Wi Middle...rumor has it that might find something similar happened there, as recently as this week...

    Just an FYI

    1. Probably more schools too

    2. Wouldnt be surprised a female instructional assistant was arrested and did minimal time years ago. If the mothers had beat her a$$ she d got more time for assault

  19. wow, so it was consent . hmm �. under the age of consent may legally have sex, as long as there is only a small age difference between them. In Maryland, persons aged between 14 and 16 may consent to sex as long as the other partner is not more than 4 years , BUT MIND YOU he was 17 probably not far from 18 .. if a kid who had got into trouble and wasn't too far away from 18 , they were charged as an adult . so . i'm going to feel how i want to feel about this situation . not saying she wasn't wrong but at the same time really ... ?

    1. Yeah really as a professional and a caretaker her sick low self esteemed tail should have reaisted the urge. Apparently she has mental health issues. Even if the victim turned 18 its like preying. All these men and she would jepordize her career, education and achievements for a teen who still has a curfew? Teens lie, but trust some indiscretions/or proof had to be found for them to pursue this and charge her

  20. 7:24...are you justifying her actions? She is a teacher, a figure of authority. He, while 17, is a teenage boy with raging hormones. She should be held accountable for her actions with a child and register as a sex offender. It's disgraceful and disgusting.

  21. 4:25 Wicomico county sheriffs office arrested me charged me with two crimes hired two lawyers (fired the first one because he was such good friends with the officer that wrote up the statement of probable cause) They liked to WORK OUT TOGETHER he told me. I never broke a law! I was acquitted on all charges and the paper had the audacity to say my lawyer got me off on a technicality. Lets face it I had a great lawyer but I NEVER BROKE A LAW WICOMICO COUNTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DID NOT GET OFF ON A TECHNICALITY

  22. Do ypu know how many kids each year claim this and recant their stories later? Has happened many many times.. so innocent until proven without a doubt guilty in my book

  23. Well after I was arrested and then aquitted I was complaining about it to an officer who I thought was a friend of mine whom I know was friends with my ex husband. He said and smiled well you got off didn't you. I could tell by his response it seems to be all to normal in Salisbury. He thought it was a big joke.

  24. Have to wonder sometimes about teachers being charged by students for sexual misconduct. I realize we're supposed to give deference to the victims but when it's later recanted, how can anyone seriously not doubt the allegations? It's really hard to tell. That's what happens when you let liberals take over an education system. From kindergarten on, they're told they can rat on their parents and any discipline should be seen as a hostile act. It gets to a point where they cry foul every time they are disciplined for anything, leaving their accusations suspect. Children, even teens, don't have discernment skills adult have yet we expect them to possess them without teaching them. It's a good reason why it's important to teach children thoroughly instead of half-assed.

  25. It is fascinating that today's society sees a 16 or 17 year old as a child and a victim in alleged cases of sexual abuse while it accepts 13 and 14 year old females having babies by celebrating with baby showers and proud pictures of sonograms passed around in school. We are sending a mixed message to young people by implying that it is perfectly fine for two 14 year olds to become parents. I am not condoning any behavior, but I am extremely concerned with a system that claims innocent until proven guilty but practices guilty until proven innocent. There are two problems here, but both of them relate to the messages that we send to young people. Every educator knows that any student can accuse anyone of anything with no evidence or proof. Our judicial system, educational system, and morality all need to be revisited. First, let the truth be revealed before condemning someone without a complete investigation. Second, let us consider how we would feel if we or a family member was accused of something and convicted by public opinion rather than by the facts. Finally, let us come together to share a clear vision of acceptable sexual behavior that we can give young people to guide their decisions. While my comments do go beyond the scope of this situation, I believe that they reflect a bigger societal issue.


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