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Saturday, May 13, 2017

AG says Maryland jails shouldn't hold people on immigration detainers

Maryland's top lawyer is advising local jails that they should not honor requests from federal officials to hold people suspected of immigration violations for up to 48 hours past their release date.

The guidance from Attorney General Brian Frosh says local jails should only hold such people longer when immigration officials present a warrant signed by a judge. Otherwise, he cautioned, the jails could be sued for unlawful detention under the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution.



  1. Frosh - maybe you should pull your liberal head out of your butt!

    Maybe one of these illegals that you want to release would harm someone in your family after you release them! It's already happened!

    Granted, the feds should step up their game from a timeliness perspective - but they can be held after they are charged!

  2. How can a citizen of ANOTHER country who is here ILLEGALLY be granted 4th Amendment rights???????


    We obviously need a different "Attorney" General!

  3. What a bunch of idiots. How can they circumvent the law when they are supposed to uphold the law? Why would we want these idiots running our country?

  4. Did this turd Brian Frosh swear an oath to his office?

  5. To 11:00 AM;
    The Constitution applies to ALL individuals in America.
    This is why we have Guantanamo Bay. The prisoners are held offshore purposefully so that they are afforded the benefits of the Constitution.

  6. Believe there are thousands of square miles available in the desert in CA/AZ/NM and NV. Also, there are TENS of thousands of sq miles in the everglades. Below Homestead FL there is everglades territory where their local Juvy Detention center is located.

    Be creative folks - use our available LAND and its natural landscaping around it as an advantage!

  7. Send a few MS-13 guys over to his house to rape his wife, daughter, and then cut off their heads and make him watch it all. Bet he changes his mind after that!


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