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Wednesday, May 17, 2017

ABC Faces Boycotts, Backlash after ‘Last Man Standing’ Cancelled

Fans of the Tim Allen-starring sitcom Last Man Standing have threatened a boycott of ABC after the network cancelled the conservative-friendly series last week despite strong ratings and critical acclaim.

Last Man Standing ran for six seasons on ABC before being cancelled on Wednesday. The sitcom centered on Allen’s Mike Baxter, a blue-collar marketing director for a sporting goods store and his relationship with his wife Vanessa (Nancy Travis) and his three teenage daughters (Molly Ephraim, Kaitlyn Dever, and Amanda Fuller).

The show was one of the few (if not the only) on broadcast television to appeal to conservative, family-oriented audiences; taken together with Allen’s own political conservatism, some Last Man Standing fans have accused Disney-owned ABC of cancelling the show for political reasons, particularly because the series drew relatively strong ratings in its Friday night time slot.

Over the weekend, fans of the show took to social media to call for a boycott of the network..



  1. Who are the advertisers, and what are their political leanings?

  2. 228,000 petition signers so far.

  3. 228,000 out of 300,000,000. Still not one half of a percent of the nations population.

    You are the Biggest Loser - GOODBYE!

    1. 2:55 - you are rude and probably useless.

  4. I didn't really care for the show. Tim Allen was great in Home improvement, but I felt he was too old for the part he was playing in this show. I think the atmosphere of political correctness has gone way too far and the show was taken off the air because of this. I agree this country is in a civil war. Right now it is a war of words and a war on free speech. If they impeach Trump, it might go beyond works to actual fighting. The Stock market is down 350 points right now because of this. Interesting times! Just wish I could wake up from this nightmare and be back in 1985!

  5. Boo hoo. Listen to all the snowflakes crying over a tv show being cancelled. It was on the air for years. Why would ABC suddenly get offended by it and take it off. Get a life, people!

  6. I would boycott ABC if I ever watched them in the first place.


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