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Saturday, May 27, 2017

A Viewer Writes, Unsafe 911 Units

I learned this morning that Sussex county mid Sussex company is operating not one but two unsafe 911 units.

First run operating below state guidelines as it has no air conditioner in front or rear! State of DE. notified and can't do anything until Monday as the "person who handles isn't in". The chief of the department who is also acting supervisor, as well as other officers are aware and have opted to continued use. To make it worse, as if an 80 day isn't bad enough on employees and patients who will be subjected this has been an on going issue for almost 30 days

Second unit has obvious mechanical issue posing safety issue is also being ignored! Safe to point I know whole heartedly it was documented. If accident happens the unit is unsafe !


  1. Ambulances don't need air conditioning to save a person's life....you have to damn much free time on your hands!!!!

    1. That's actually retired by law. Ambulances have limited ventilation and rapidly climb to temperatures that are dangerous to patients with certain health problems. It's not for the providers. It's for the patient. What a tool...

  2. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    That's actually retired by law. Ambulances have limited ventilation and rapidly climb to temperatures that are dangerous to patients with certain health problems. It's not for the providers. It's for the patient. What a tool...

    May 27, 2017 at 10:26 PM

    You have to excuse some people. They know not what they speak but do it anyway.


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