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Sunday, May 07, 2017

A Viewer Writes: Beaver Run

On April 18th at beaver run school my daughter was on the playground playing when she was being chased by 2 boys. She fell to the ground where one boy held her down and the other boy dry humped her, then they switched and the other boy repeated the same actions while my daughter was trying to get away. The other girls on the playground saw what was happening and ran to tell haydens teacher who came and saw what was going on. The boys were sent home for the day.

That is what the school deemed proper punishment for 2 seven year old boys who molested my daughter got.

We asked that they be at least changed classes because my daughter said she felt so embarrass that they were still in the same class. The worthless principal Mr twilley assured us that "measures" have been taken that they will not sit near eachother in class or talk to her.

That's not good enough if that were to happen as an adult they would be in jail. Would you want to look at someone that did that to you every day?

My husband had called the school on several occasions and even the board of education who would either "be busy" or give him the run around.

Today they deemed at a meeting the boys would stay in the same class

Today they were sat in the same seat as my daughter on the bus.

This is unacceptable.

What would you do if it was your daughter?


  1. Seaside Christian Academy

  2. You need to go to the board office behind Lowes and demand to talk to
    the person in charge of Elementary Education for WCBOE and don't take no for an answer !

  3. This is unacceptable.
    You need to go over the principal.
    Placing the boys on the same bus seat was likely intentional... seems they are sending you and your daughter a message.

  4. I would call the cops.

  5. get a lawyer, and take action. Also call Sheriff's office and report it as a crime.

  6. picket the Board of Education, the school and board board member I could find the home address to

  7. Private school.

  8. We moved to FL after several similar instances over three years. Our daughter is once again thriving after having become withdrawn and sullen.

    I can't tell you what a joy it is to have her come home from school with a smile on her face and a song in her heart.

    I can't tell you how glad I am, to have left Salisbury in my rear view mirror. yes, there are jerks here, too. But in general the community is upstanding, welcoming and happy. This was not the case in Sby. There is a darkness, an anger there, that touches everything and we are glad to be shed of it.

    Good luck with your daughter.

    1. 9:49. You obviously haven't left Salisbury behind because you're reading the news and commenting on it.

    2. We who have left that hell hole are watching to see when the train wreck will happen. A friend that drove up from FL thru the CBBT and up 13 probably summed it up best. "How did you end up in this God forsaken place?"

  9. You started the right way by following up with the School, no satisfaction from the Board of Education, next take it to Culver's office, which he has little say for the BOE, then file a police report...actions such as these pose a threat to other young girls....Several years ago our grand kids were pulled from this school due to the unruly kids and a lack of discipline from the school! They have thrived very nicely under the homeschooling guidelines! The kids parents must also play a role in the discipline of the boys....good luck with this part!!!

  10. I'm so sorry this happened to her. We are dealing with bullying at willards elementary with our daughter who is seven. Whats crazy is when we went to school one of these kids parents were the preppy stuck up kids who thought she was better than everybody and now shes teaching her daughter to be the same way....smh. because your situation is more severe than ours I would definitely raise hell and demand that the boys be taken out of her class. Your right if they were adults they would be in jail and marked sex offenders. But kids do stupid things just like we did so that would be to much in all honesty. I would demand they switch classes and if not I would pull my daughter out of the school until they resolved it and dare them to try and start something for her missing to much time if they didn't did it right away. I hope there parents punished them. Of course I know YOU wish you could beat there butts because our kids are our life. Good luck.

    1. Even if they put her or the boys in another class....they will still have contact with each other. All the kids in the grade go to lunch together and recess together.

  11. "What would you do if it was your daughter?"

    I'd homeschool her. Get her out of that mess.

  12. Chief Duncan says, "No crime here, they were just playing grown up house".

  13. Send a copy of your complaint to the school superintendent and have it published in every forum that will put it in print. Then see what kind of response you get.

  14. I would be in jail, becasue MR Twilly would never walk another day in his life again, and the parents of those boys would be eating out of tubes for the rest of their life... And anyone else I could get my hands on who made the decision to tell these boys it was OK to do this by their lack of in-action to fix the problem...

    1. I am literally shaking, I'm fear, after reading 10:06's post. You are such a badass that you strike fear in everyone!!! If you can't feel it, that is SARCASM. You are not impressing anyone with your weak and meaningless threats. You are just a typical redneck who IMMEDIATELY responds, to any controversy, with threats of violence, murder and mayhem. But, I should expect that response from a person who types "and anyone else I could get my hands on who made the decision to tell these boys it was OK to do this by their lack of in-action to fix the problem...". Really? "Lack of in-action?" What exactly does that mean. You are saying that they "lacked"
      taking "in-action". Again...what? You make ABSOLUTLEY NO SENSE. Grab another beer, sit around your house thumping your chest while ranting a raving but please...,please....leave the internet to educated folks. I implore you.

  15. Get your daughter out of the God Forsaken Heathen Government Schools. They don't care about you or your children. period...this type of thing has been going on for far too many years and most parents don't have a clue. other parents simply don't care. the parents/citizens don't hear about half the horrific incidences that take place in the poor system. it's failing anyway and they have dumbed down the school so bad that you'd be so much better off sending your child to a private school or home school. I know sacrifices would have to be made, but you only get one opportunity to get this right. is it fair to send your daughter back into this situation each day? NO!

  16. 10:06=Keyboard Warrior

  17. Get the media involved.. my daughter went through something similar but she was in high school. I wanted her transferred to another school WBOE said no so I refused to send her to school after about 2 weeks they threatened to put in in jail for not sending her,I said go ahead because the first phone call I make will be WBOC... had my transfer in 3days...So sorry that your daughter had to go through this...Good luck,Praying for you and your family

  18. These boys learned the behavior from somewhere. And the school and parents just taught the boys that the behavior they demastrated was ok. They are raising the future sex offenders.
    As a parent I would have already contact the police since going through the school system is failing your daughter. I also would not let my daughter sit next to those boys. As a parent do not sit back and let it happen.

  19. These are the Liberal rules that our public schools play by, and the only way to escape to this sort of sickness is to Get Your Kids Out of Public Schools. Whether that means private school with other well-behaved Christian children or home schooling, you Have To make a sacrifice for the Good Of Your Child.

    It is Time for a Revolution in this country. We must stand up and Tell Liberals that we are NOT going to put up with their sickness any longer. That's not what this country is about!

    1. Lol, not all Christian kids are good either!

  20. You can raise all the hell you want, it will be to NO avail. 20 years ago Beaver Run was a hotbed of Bullies and undisciplined children, teachers AND PARENTS. It has not changed. The only real solution for your child and mine: Thank God for Christian Schools.

  21. You really need to get her out of that school. It will be a sacrifice but you have no choice. This is grade school! What the hell will Jr High be like? Also lawyer & law enforcement.
    Believe me the school will treat you & your daughter as the problem, not the two boys.

  22. Try this OLD SCHOOL METHOD! Teach her to kick them in thew NUTS next time and they will never come near her again. The school will freak, but two would be rapist would have a well earned fear of her.

    1. I agree...with a finger jab to the eyes like the Three Stoogies did...those little punks would not mess with her daughter anymore.

  23. Although the school needs to address. If the issue is not addressed in the home then it will not change. I am amazed by parents from all backgrounds every day. They want focus on popularity or try to be best friends. A "favorite" is the boys will be boys frame of mind - these parents are real loons. Another good one, "well, I do not listen to my children while they are playing" WELL, you might want to start!! Unfortunately I am not surprised about the the current incident. If kids behave and treat people like this they will do it as adults.

  24. Once the police are involved their actions will be completely different -trust me

  25. It's sad that these little boys know anything about sexual acts. I sure didn't at 7 years old. My heart hurts for the little girl. Kids are not kids anymore. God help us!

  26. I would take my lawyer to the school and let her do the talking. Those boys would be away from my child immediately.
    While the teachers and administrators mean well, they are equal advocates for those children and your voice sounds dramatic because you are the parent. So I would be the best advocate for my child by hiring an advocate who the school will hear.
    Even if they want to convince you that the boys were just playing or wrestling or whatever, the message you are sending to your child is "this is not ok" and she needs to get that message from you. She will always remember how you handled this situation so you have to make sure you do it right.
    For the record, Arlette Bright is the attorney I would call.

    1. Thank you Arlette for advertising your business, for free, on here.

  27. Call Trump! He wouldn't allow this to happen. These pedophiliac boys need to be executed now, if not they will be executed in 20 years.

  28. Since you've exhausted your BOE options and you sound like a person of means,send her to a private school.I found a good Christian school for $80 per week to send my grandchildren to if it comes to that.

    1. Please explain how this person "sounds like a person of means". How does a person "of means" sound?

    2. Please tell me what "good" Christian school is only $80 a week?

  29. If it was my daughter or granddaughters, I'd be paying bail to get my husband and son-in-law out of jail. The boys need to be moved to another classroom at the least. Don't give up your fight!

  30. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Chief Duncan says, "No crime here, they were just playing grown up house".

    May 2, 2017 at 10:03 AM

    Chief Duncan has NOTHING to do with a COUNTY school. If I were you, I'd contact Sherriff Lewis.

  31. If they don't remove them tell them you are going to the commissioner's office to file charges. The police won't charge them and you Don't need the police to have charges filed. Local media won't do anything but if charges are filed then it would become news.

    1. Maybe you should educate yourself about crime and criminal process. You can't "charge" a SEVEN year old. They are deemed to have no understanding of crime and are protected under "infancy". Some people are just so clueless but want to sound like they know what they are talking about. SMH.

  32. Even if you reported it to the two local TV stations they would not dare report it. Not a chance since journalism is forbidden and only politically correct matters are broadcast.

  33. Sue the teacher the Principle and the boys parents.

  34. To 12:23:. Call Trump? Right. This is a serious matter and serious conversation. Your trite and foolish comments do nothing for the problem, but they do make you look like the lunatic right wing fringe.

    1. 1:19. 🤣🤣🤣


  36. Pull your daughter from school and go to the police station.

  37. The school is supposed to make your child feel safe, but obviously that hasn't happened since those 2 boys are still in the same classroom with her, and she was seated on the bus next to them!!! UNACCEPTABLE!!! Get a lawyer.

  38. Not everyone can afford to put their children in private or Christian schools! It's sad that we even have to have them! Back in the day everyone went to school together and you didn't have to worry about nonsense like this!

  39. 2424 Northgate Drive, Suite 100 (behind Lowe's).
    Phone 410-677-4400
    Fax (Central Office only; please look below for school fax numbers) 410-677-4444
    Public Input Line 410-677-5251
    E-mail comments@wcboe.org
    Dr Donna Hanlin, Superintendent 410-677-4495
    Communications 410-677-4465

  40. I've had nothing but issues in the past with Beaver Run that school is a disrace to our school system.

  41. 1st of all STOP blaming the schools and put the blame where it should be...the parents! These boys have seen this from somewhere and the fact that they weren't separated from each other when it happened is beyond the pale! This principal's were tied! He has to follow the regulations set forth by The Safe School policies and the BOE. We are talking about impressionable young boys, who need counseling to help them understand why this is inappropriate and why it can't and shouldn't happen. The girl needs to understand how to protect herself. People outside of the school system, don't alwsys understand why policies are what they are...DOJ investigations is one. We need to come together as a community and start explaining to youth that grabbing a girl in any manner os not acceptible. We need to teach our gurls that a boy putting his hands on you is wrong and that does not mean you are special. Personal space is something every person of every age should be afforded! I'm not saying in anyway that the situation was handled correctly, I wasn't there, obviously! But you cannot simply blame the school. Blame the parents, a society who thinks manhandling women is appropriate and a system that is failing every child!

    1. Wrong! The school is LEGALLY, ETHICALLY, and MORALLY responsible for the protection of our children while they are in their government mandated care. That includes the boys! You'd have to be a moron not to see the warning signs. Educators and BOE employees are MANDATED reporters. They CAN remain anonymous. Intervention by authorities (school and law) is required NOW for the protection of ALL involved. But the victim's rights should come FIRST!

  42. The principal has nothing to do with the bus, that's a private contractor. If he was not informed that they weren't allowed to sit together, that's on the parents, not the school.

  43. 4:07, you are very wrong. The bus is an extension of the school. The principle has every right and should have made the bus driver aware of the situation without delving into details. The responsibility lies with the school until the children are delivered home.

  44. Same as Bennett $57 million for babysitting Future Thug perps.

  45. 4:04 we will NEVER stop blaming the schools...THEY have our children for at least 8 hrs. a day. If Administrators and Teachers had the B--l's to speak up and truly make changes this could have been done YEARS ago, but No, they didn't want to rock the boat and this government/public school system was allow to get to this point. A Failing system that has been dumbed down to its lowest denominator...not caring for the students, only lying, deceiving and hiding truth from the public. It IS the schools fault.

    The nasty hooligans should not be allowed to attend these schools; only those that seriously want an education. There's NO excuse for what takes place in these already failing indoctrination centers.

  46. Sexual predators in training.

  47. For all you armchair police officers and lawyers, leave the police work to those that have been trained. Below is a direct excerpt from Maryland Criminal law. You WILL NOT obtain charges on a seven year old. It just won't happen. Period. Leave law enforcement out of it. The police KNOW their jobs.

    The infancy defense is another way of saying the law presumes young children are unable to form criminal intent, and for that reason cannot be subjected to criminal prosecution. Under Maryland common law, the infancy defense is a complete defense to the criminal prosecution of children under 7 years, because they are conclusively presumed incapable of criminal intent. Children between 7 and 13 years are presumed incapable of criminal intent, but the strength of that presumption decreases as a child approaches 13. A child between 7 and 13 may be subject to criminal prosecution or delinquency proceedings, but the State must introduce evidence to show the child actually was capable of forming criminal intent, despite his young age.
    Devon T., 85 Md.App. 674 (1991); In re. William A., 313 Md. 690 (1988).

    1. A child between 7 and 13 may be subject to criminal prosecution or delinquency proceedings, but the State must introduce evidence to show the child actually was capable of forming criminal intent, despite his young age.

    2. Exactly. Good luck PROVING a SEVEN YEAR OLD CHILD is capable of forming CRIMINAL INTENT. That is a VERY high burden of proof. In over TWENTY YEARS of law enforcement, I have NEVER....EVER...seen a seven year old charged with a criminal offense. The commissioner and/or courts will not allow it.

    3. You conveniently left out the sentence IMMEDIATELY in front of the one you quoted. At SEVEN years old, you cannot and will not prove criminal intent.

  48. I am so sorry for your little girl having to experience this.

    Please contact Child Protective Services, Division of Family and Children and the Life Crisis Center for any help they can offer.. CPS can launch an investigation into the boys lives which will definitely kick the other agencies into gear.
    I am not taking up for the boys at all but clesrlybat this age something is wrong in their lives.

    Protect your daughter at all costs. Tell the bus driver (who is probably clueless) on the situation and email everyone in the school directory. This will get the conversation going around the "water cooler"

    Don't stop send emails all day long and print them out as proof for the proper authorities.

  49. Sorry, 2:46... "Back in the day" is a lot of BS. There have ALWAYS been bullies, and their conduct in school is a reflection of the TEACHERS who are in charge. As far as "can't afford it", even welfare kids are accepted in Christian Schools. If you don't ASK you don't GET.

    1. 6:18, I'm not an idiot. I know there was bullying back then but we sure as heck didn't get dry humped on the playground. And since we are not on welfare, we can't afford Christian schools on our salaries. It's usually the rich or poor in private schools, not much between.

  50. 3:06 I still read Sby News a couple of times / week because Joe is a friend and I like to keep an eye on him. Though, as I get more involved in our life here, I find myself tempted to check in, less and less.

    Also, every time I read the comments, it reminds me to be grateful I am no longer surrounded by small minded angry people.

    I commented because I wanted the original poster to know that there are options other than lawsuits and ineffective administrators. Yes, it cost us money to move. We took a bath on our house, which thankfully is still owner occupied for the benefit of our wonderful previous neighbors. We did at least have great neighbors. But, We simply pulled the kids out of school and home schooled them for the last year as we prepared to evacuate.

    My daughter, a junior now 17, commented just the other day how glad she is that we left. In her words, "I fully believe if I had gone to Bennett HS, I would have been raped by now."

    It was well worth the pain, the cost, the struggles and the effort to move our family and btw our business out of Salisbury.

    I don't miss: the surly store clerks, the chip on the shoulder of just about everyone you meet, The lack of selection in well, every store in town, the crappy traffic and the crappy traffic flow through town, the hot stifling summers, the crappy half winters,

    Here, we are in the best school system in the state, most people are from somewhere else and they welcome you with open arms, no being ignored or treated like crap because you're a "come here." There's a lovely breeze, every day, Great Customer Service, every where you go, 450 restaurants in town, (yes, really) Even though it's a tourist economy, we still have a small town atmosphere and feel.

    And no, I'm not telling you where we live, go away. We're full up... Certainly with surly Marylanders.

  51. Do not contact police, there is no crime here. No one under 8 years old can be charged with a crime.

  52. Unexceptable!!! They should be suspended. I would get a lawyer. I see what goes on at the playground. All the teachers and assistances are huttled together while the kids play. They pay no attention to what is going on.

    1. Um..the word you are trying to use is "unacceptable".

  53. Sue the school system

  54. 6:09 PM Dear, you are an idiot. If she drags the government in to it, they will turn the tables and she will end up being charged for SOMETHING, ANYTHING, they can make up.

    You NEVER get other agencies involved.

    Get a lawyer.

  55. 7:05 p.m. You are correct. Even if the boys were moved to a different classroom, they would all be together at recess and lunch (although each class usually sits together at lunch, they could be nearby or walk by where the girl is seated). I think the boys should have received either in-school or out of school suspensions to send the message that this behavior is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Sending them home for the rest of the day simply gave them an excused afternoon off! The staff that was on duty on the playground should be questioned as to why no one saw this happening! From the description the mother gave, the incident took more than a minute or two, so someone should have seen it! It sounds to me like a staff reprimand is in order as well! Did any other students see it? Did the girl scream for help? Did she kick at the boys? How did they boys switch positions without her having some opportunity to get away? I'm not suggesting that she has any blame here at all. I'm just hopeful that she made it very clear that their actions were unwanted in case there were witnesses. This is sexual harassment, sexual assault, and more. I don't care if the kids are only 7 years old! I totally agree that the boys should have been punished by the school (and, hopefully, at home). Guidance absolutely needs to counsel the boys on a regular basis. And, honestly, at this point in the school year, why not move them to another class? If it makes the child and the parent feel better, what's the harm - it's May, for heaven's sake!

    This mother needs to try again to reach someone at the Board of Ed. who will listen. If she is not successful, maybe a call to the Maryland State Department of Education would prompt an investigation into how this happened and no one saw it, and why no real punishment was given. Situations like this that are not swiftly and seriously handled will encourage more of the same. Look at the high schools lately ... the kids have figured out that they face little to no chance of suspension, so they have gone buck wild. All actions should have consequences. Getting the afternoon off is not a consequence, in my opinion.

  56. If you wonder why our public schools are filled with such a high ratio of kids from rough homes it is because the kids from healthy homes are pushed out by these instances. If they don't start showing favor to the victims, all they will have left is the preprison kids.

  57. I keep telling my fiance and the mother of our 2 year old that where we live is great however the school district, within next few years our house will be paid off. Literally plan to move to delmar school district. All schools have issues but none to this extent.

  58. Wow! If I were you I would go there and raise hell! Or get the cops involved! My daughter goes there as well and always has problems with boys there at the school or on the bus. I do not like the school at all but my daughter has no choice to go there because board denied my special permission twice. Smh they are pathetic. If it was there child then they would think twice. So unacceptable!

    1. Can you not read or is it comprehension that you have problems with? The police can do NOTHING with this. Read the comments and you will understand why. It's called "INFANCY" under Maryland Law.

    2. @4:51 take your rude self somewhere else

    3. Pay more attention before you post stupid comments.

  59. This is yet another reason why we need school choice vouchers.Also,someone needs to report this to child services because it is NOT normal for 7 yr olds to display sexual behaviors like that.Someone should check and see if they are not sexually abused at home!
    There are two societies.It's hard as a parent to do your job and seeing your kid suffer because other people are not parenting their kids.

  60. Call Child Protective Services? Yeah right. They'll just harass the victim's family not the perpetrators'. Good policy is to not get CPS involved unless absolutely necessary because once in their scope and system, you're forever getting out of it.

  61. Go to the wcoe on old ocean city rd right across from Wicomico day school.


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