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Sunday, May 14, 2017

A Letter To The Editor: Salisbury Fire Department Response Times

Dear Editor:

In light of everything that has taken place over the last few months dealing with the Salisbury Fire Department, I felt the need to share.

The city claims they had to supplement the volunteers by adding more paid staffing because of response times. If they are so worried about response times, can someone please explain to me why my taxes are paying for these men and women to sit down and have lunch at a restaurant way OUTSIDE of the Station 1 fire district? Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with them having lunch or whatever but the issue is that they are INSIDE Five Guys eating lunch when there are SEVERAL other places within their territory to eat. What happens if an emergency comes in over on Mt. Hermon Rd. During lunch time, traffic is horrible in this area anyways and trying to maneuver through traffic is already going to slow the response time, but now since they are out of their district it will take that much longer.

The ones that are objecting to funding Company 1 needs to realize there is going to be a delay no matter who is responding. The volunteers simply because they have to leave their homes or jobs to respond, which they do for free versus these career fire fighters who have a delay simply because they choose to be anywhere but at their station waiting for a call. Even when they are at the Station, we have already seen proof there is a delay of almost 3 minutes for an EMS call.

There seems to be a lot of pointing fingers and childish actions being taken by the ones that do not wish to see Company 1 succeed. However, the very things they are accusing these VOLUNTEERS of, they are almost certainly guilty of themselves if not worse.

And for the record, I am NOT affiliated with any fire department. I am a COUNTY citizen and because this situation effects me, I have been trying to stay up to date on it.



  1. We must look at the ignorant decision to allow firemen to work the hours they do . 24 on (I think) 72 off (i think). 24 means anytime doing that 24 even when they are playing pool or sleeping as they do. These guys have it made in the shade. The volunteers have made them have to work a little. This BS about response time is pure BS . Volunteers should never be counted on for any response time , they are "volunteers". Definition " free choice " , one who offers himself on occasions for service." The Jaws of life will go on , am I right Striker?

    1. Working a 24/72 shift, there is no gaurantee they will sleep. That puts them there, available and ready to respond in short order (2 minutes or less out the door) 24 hours a day. This shift also provides that level of coverage with adequate recovery time for them if they have a busy shift.
      The career guys don't play pool, that was strictly reserved for the volunteers.
      You know the career guys who were walking by you at all hours of the day and night running calls while you sat there in the couch or in the annex doing nothing ? That was them "sleeping and playing pool" while you idly sat by and watched, doing nothing as usual.

  2. If the truck was at Five Guys north, it was probably the duty crew on the truck from ststion 2. That would mean they were at a restaurant within their first due.
    Instead of spreading meaningless propaganda and making false accusations, why don't you seek the truth? Or present facts and evidence?

    1. Why don't they use the kitchen at the fire station? Why do they take that huge fire truck to lunch? Why are you wasting my tax dollars by doing this? I don't take the company truck st work to go get my lunch...so why do you feel you can??

    2. It was south end and was truck 1 . There was a pic sent as well.

    3. Right on the edge of their district, I'd hardly make a federal case out of that....
      It would be a little different if truck 1 was all the way up north at that 5 guys.

  3. Free service? define free. doesnt the city insure them, gear them and provide services and fuel for the equipment they ride on and not to mention the equipment they use? i am sure that the volunteers provide some, but really look at the word "free" before you apply it to the volunteers there. i believe they also get a retirement when they are done serving the city, that isnt free. I stand with the city on this. the concern is citizen safety and shouldnt be about anyones ego because they dont have some sort of power or position anymore. Check the numbers of station 1, meaning their response numbers. sometimes up to a 50 percent no response rate. which 50 percent of the citizens are they going to serve and which 50 opercent are they going to choose not to serve. The volunteers, from what i understand, didnt want to follow the "chain of command" for the city's structured system of firefighting. Well if thats the case, then that only leads to someone getting hurt as you cant have a bunch of "renegade' fire personnel on the scene of a fire doing what they want. The current system works, between the city units and already planned and agreed mutual aid from other places, the residents i believe are safe, safer than some other larger fire departments in the are (meaning 100 mile circle). I support the citys efforts to remove this issue from their ranks and advance forward and continue to cover and protect the citizens of the city and the surrounding area

    1. Better check your stats and not the fake ones from the chief

    2. Yet the station 1 volunteers were still the best responding volunteers in the city!

  4. 7:51 AM it would be more productive to explain what you mean in normal people terms to substantiate your point. Otherwise all I am hearing is bla bla bla.

    1. That was pretty clearly stated. Perhaps if I wrote it slowly or put it in caps.,,

  5. It doesn't matter what restaurant they are at - THEY SHOULDN'T BE! They now have two "beautiful fire buildings WITH kitchen areas and they should plan and prepare their meals there. And a lot of places will deliver to them at the station. I have to take my meal to work why shouldn't they. Stop using tax payers money to run those big fire trucks all over town needlessly.

    1. They do cook and eat together st their respective stations every night. If they get together and get carry out, they combine errands to make it worth while.
      Regardless, wherever they happen to be, they are available and ready to respond to any call from there. There is no lag in response time.

    2. I see your point on this, however you have to weigh some factors into this as well as circumstances. Was it the paid crew there ? Maybe they were in the area and not due to return to the station for a while so they decided to eat on the road as many do. I'm sure they had a radio or two with them to constantly monitor the dispatch center in case they are needed. The firefighters have other duties than fighting fires and responding, there's public education events and etc that they have to attend and maybe it out them in the area. Maybe they were returning from a call and had to hobby there anyway so why not stop. The 24 hour schedule I'm sure is tough but it's the chosen shift they work. Realizing fire and ambulance Jedda don't follow a clock or schedule. Anytime anywhere 24/7/365 to provide service to us the citizens. Do they have down time? Sure they do abut they have plenty of up time as well and I'm sure they shall we say lose on that part. Again I can see the concern but just realize there may be extenuating circumstances.

    3. Sorry there's a few misspellings above I have auto correct that isn't always correct lol.
      "Maybe they were returning from a call and had to drive by there anyway so why not stop"
      "Realizing fire and ambulance needs don't follow a clock or schedule"

    4. 8:41 You are not ready if your ass is sitting in a restaurant across town eating!
      A County Taxpayer

    5. At their respective stations? So truck 1 paramedic 1 at sta 16 every night is at their respective station?

    6. Actually yes they are ready. They will leave their meals if an alarm comes in.

    7. AnonymousMay 13, 2017 at 3:03 PM
      At their respective stations? So truck 1 paramedic 1 at sta 16 every night is at their respective station?

      The crews have stopped eating together at Station 16 since we started staffing the truck at Station 1 officially. The only time it is done now is if it is a holiday or some special occasion.
      Otherwise all 3 stations cook dinner separately or maybe 16 & 2 eat together while 1 cooks seperately. Stations 16 & 2 are very close together

    8. So 16 and 2 are close together kind of like if station 1 inc had a station on snow hill road? If duplicate services were such a problem then why wasn't station 2 moved out more when they rebuilt?

    9. By they way when did you officially start staffing? Because y'all were doing that in September of last year? Still station one night duty crew went to 16 for dinner then but, disparate treatment only was a factor when the volunteers responded from home? See how this works for the public.

    10. Station 2 location was determined by the powers that be. No duplication of services as they were already an SFD entity that was STILL going to be an SFD entity. Not a bunch of renegades seceding from the department and the community they took an oath to serve.
      Not sure how you can compare home response to any staffed station or apparatus. Even if the crews were at the farthest end of their district there would be no comparison and no contest.
      And it was recently, within the past year, that crews started eating separately. Some crews more than others.
      We are family at work and that hour we eat together and have a shift meeting was time well spent.

    11. And wish we were still eating together

  6. 8:18-that's the real point.

  7. Sometimes during these discussions I am confused as to which group they are talking about. Station 1 or Company 1. Is one of these the paid & the other volunteers?

  8. What is the expense of sending an entire crew in an expensive, gas guzzling vehicle to have lunch or pick up lunch? Surely one person could be spared to take a utility vehicle or a personal vehicle to get lunch or run errands. I see Salisbury fire trucks all over Salisbury at various restaurants. Most taxpayers view it as a WASTE of taxpayer money. Unnecessary trips, like a lunch run, is a "perk" that needs to be eliminated.

    When you have someone, in this case many, who are willing to volunteer - why would you not work with them? Don't let egos get in the way. If men and women are willing to train and learn to do the job for no compensation - God bless them!

    1. They run on diesel not gas so get great mileage. Costs like $5 in gas for the truck to run out and back. As a county tax payer I don't mind it one bit I like the fact they are out and about in the community.

    2. When you have someone, in this case many, who are willing to volunteer - why would you not work with them? Don't let egos get in the way. If men and women are willing to train and learn to do the job for no compensation - God bless them!

      That's just it, you were never willing to train or learn the job. Let alone actually do the job. You're failures are very well known and documented.

  9. It is sad that in sorry shape Salisbury and Wicomico county are in that the thing people have the most to say about are the firemen and their lack of ability to work together. You shorebillies are really pathetic.

  10. 8:47 AM LOL just keep making excuses.
    they have a million dollar kitchen.
    the fire engine isn't a taxi or delivery vehicle.

    1. Wow! I would love a million dollar kitchen. That must be awesome.

  11. My tax dollars ALSO pay for schools, roads, law enforcement, public works, probably SOMETHING on the left side of the bridge (which doesn't help me at all), et al.

    Come on now...firefighters? Bigger MUCH BIGGER fish to really fry!

  12. I have seen the fire engine at the Giant/Acme OFTEN and the personnel shopping and socializing. How is that being prepared for service?

  13. Where I'm from the public loves seeing the firemen and equipment out and about in the community, especially the kids. People don't whine and cry about it. Those trucks don't use as much gas as you think they do (they are diesel for starters) and need some mileage put on them, things stop working otherwise. Bushings, mounts, tires, etc need to be flexed or they dry rot. Mechanical parts need to be periodically lubricated and can only be so while the vehicle is being driven (axles and axle seals, gear, differentials, brake pistons, seals, engine and other drive line components).

    And I'm sure the city/fire department can write off some of those expenses.

    1. 5-10 mpg is low mileage? Write off from what? They pay no taxes. I never had an employer who allowed me to go shopping on the clock.

    2. Spoken like a true paid man! So it was only a problem when the volunteers did it? I do believe records tried his hardest to screw the volunteers over for this!

    3. 1:32 my regular gas truck gets 8 mpg, guarantee their diesel is getting better than mine. What's the cost for a gallon of diesel, like $3? So even if they were getting 5mpg like you claim, $6 for 2 gallons with a 10 mile range around town is all it costs for them to be out in public, ready to respond to a call and being social with townspeople. Grow the hell up moron, making a huge deal over NOTHING. You're the kind of person I'd love to meet in public.

  14. Being in the public eye is pet of the job as well. Talk to the people you serve get out in the community you serve. Be seen! They are ready because of constant radio contact and the vehicle they are in. That's why they take a fire engine or ladder to the grocery store so they are ready at a moments notice. They have everyone there and can shop and acquire supplies for the day and keep continuity among their group. If they get a call they immediately exit the store leaving their stuff right where it is and respond.

  15. What if being out and about puts them closer to the emergency than responding from the fire station? Which often times happens. There are benefits to being out in the community, city or even the county areas.

  16. Letter obviously wrote by a station 1 aggravated volunteer farman.

  17. Station # 1 grasping at straws making any effort to support their cause.. I fully support firefighters being out in the community so what if they are in a supermarket getting supper to cook back at the firehouse. Firemen all over the country hit the supermarket to pick up food. As long as you are in the district it makes no difference. They may or may not have been out for another reason maybe returning from a call or inspection hard to tell but again not an issue!

  18. Again (this poor horse...) the crews out and about in the community are immediately available to respond from wherever they are in their district.
    If they are in the grocery store getting dinner ( to cook in those million dollar kitchens) they leave their groceries and respond. The managers at Acme are pretty good about putting their cart in the cooler if they have cold stuff in the cart.
    If they are st a carry out place or sitting down to eat (very rare occasion) they get their food to go so they can grab it and go, responding to the call.
    The crews are with their apparatus, with all their gear and are ready to respond immediately from wherever they happen to be. Anywhere they go they have radios with them to hear the dispatch.

    1. So when the volunteers took an engine that wasn't being staffed or used out with a full crew for drivers training that was when it was a problem to respond to calls when they were closer right? Because one station 1 volunteer officer kept getting phone calls and wrote up for it!

    2. I can't attest to that, and won't.
      Maybe (outside looking in) it had something to do with "qualified personnel" not being on the piece or especially in the seat.

  19. When the Chief and his Assistants actually start managing the SFD in the best interest of the City, and it's citizens, these issues will go away. The leadership came from the same ranks that simply only care about themselves. Welcome to today's Fire Service.

  20. While the FF provide a valuable service, they just need to try a little harder to be more fiscally responsible and more respectful of tax payers they serve.

    1. Trust me, with the operating budget of the SFD cut by about 30% since 2008 (the economic downturn), they are very respectful stewards of the tax dollars.
      Everything in this post is a non issue drummed up by the Station 1 volunteers who are just tying to stir as much as they can. The crews make trips out of the station to get dinner and combine errands to make only one trip if they can. Otherwise they make the trip while returning from a call, a public service event, fire prevention detail or training.
      If you see the crews out and about, stop and ask them how they are doing. They are more than happy to meet with the public. If you have your kids, they will get a fire helmet or sticker.

    2. Exactly, unfortunately that's a concept the majority of the fire service has long forgot.

    3. 12:16 Bingo! And for the rest of you (paid firemen I'm sure) all ur excuses about taking the fire truck out for lunch are just that....excuses.

  21. I think it's nice they are out in public. We get to meet them ,my children like talking to them, volunteer or not. They are role models of the community, same as the police.

    1. Exactly, and fire stations do this ALL OVER THE COUNTRY, and have been since the old days. Just seems like theres a few complainers that can't grasp that concept. They must really hate their pathetic lives and makes them feel better to bitch about it to complete strangers lol.

    2. Meals only happen 3 times a day, bitching and complaining is all day at the firehouse. It's just a part of the job, this entire Salisbury FD crap is a joke. Both sides are wrong and one is just as guilty as the other, give the vollies a house and see if they fail and let the paidmen keep dreaming about being firemen.

  22. Station 1 EMS (Paid EMS providers) was dispatched at 5 am today's date(5/14/2017) to 301 or 801 Crystal Place? in Granby's Run for chest pain. They slept through the call and had to be re-alerted. They used the portable radio to respond when they woke up and they were acknowledged at 5:05 am. They arrived at 5:10am. It doesn't take 5 minutes to drive to Granby Run from Station 1 because it is only a couple of blocks away. You can see the houses from the front pad. Why didn't the fire trucks respond on that call since it was a chest pain call?? Oh that's right, it was 5 o'clock in the morning and they needed the last 2 hours of sleep for their second jobs. Rick Hoppes needs to be fired for allowing these clowns to constantly sleep through calls over and over again while the citizens in Salisbury and Wicomico County suffer. All the while attacking the Station 1 volunteers and claiming that a paid fire service is better than the service offered by volunteers. These paid clowns need to be moved to 8 hour shifts with absolutely no sleeping just like Ocean City did.

    Jake Day you are a Piece of Sh!t and you need to step down for your P!ss Poor leadership!

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