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Saturday, April 29, 2017

Wild Boars Eat Three Soldiers of the Islamic State

Every now and then, something happens that lets you know the universe doesn't actively hate you. A break in a rainstorm just as you have to go to work, a snow day when you're sick but out of paid sick days, or wild boars mauling ISIS fighters:

Wild boars mauled three Islamic State (Isil) fighters to death near the Iraqi city of Kirkuk, according to Kurdish fighters.

The jihadists’ bodies were found badly mangled by refugees fleeing through farmland as they tried to get away from Isil territory in al-Rashad, southwest of the city.

Isil fighters responded to the deaths by going on a killing spree of wild boars in the area, said Brigadier Azad Jelal, the deputy head of the Kurdish intelligence service in Kikurk.

“Three fighters from Isil were near the Peshmerga checkpoint in al-Rashad. They met some feral boars and the boars killed the three fighters,” he told The Telegraph.



  1. I would guess that those pigs were not "Muslims"

    Quite The Irony.


  2. Death by pig. Perfect ending!

  3. People dubbed them Squeal Team Six
    Love it!!

  4. i bet the pigs got sick after biting those isil scum.


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