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Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Trump's Navy 'Armada' Was Actually Sailing Away from NKorea, Not Toward It

The USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier is still several thousand miles south of North Korea despite reports last week that claimed it was heading to the volatile region.

Stars and Stripes reported Monday that the Carl Vinson strike group was actually making its way toward Australia last week for a planned port visit.

The Navy posted photos online showing the ships sailing near Indonesia over the weekend, which put the flotilla roughly 3,500 miles away from North Korea.



  1. Good keep job mr president. Keep them guessing. most libtards dont know the old mavy saying "loose lips sink ships"

  2. This entire situation is another case of the blowback of our horrible foreign policy.

  3. ExxonMobil just applied for a waiver to work in Russia. Wanna follow the trail of breadcrumbs?

  4. Always keep them guessing....

  5. Alternative facts. LOL. Every country with satellite access knows where the ships are.

  6. Actually, the ships are only 6 days away from Korea, given the speed of the ships...

  7. We can hit anyone, anywhere in the world at any time. It doesn't matter where the ships are. Wherever it is they are in that spot for a reason. For example they may have moved just outside the range of Kim's missiles, waiting for them to be taken out by fighters before going back into Korean waters.
    What should concern you is that all these media outlets who were fear mongering back in November, telling us that Trump would cause WW3. Now they seem to be praising every attack and talking about Trump like he is a coward for the positioning of our warships. Who does the MSM think they are, not only to point out the world the location and heading of our Navy, but to criticize it's strategy like they know better.
    I feel like on Syria certain people managed to totally con Trump into a bombing that never should have happened.


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