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Friday, April 21, 2017

Trump’s H-1B Crackdown Upsets Chamber of Commerce

While President Donald Trump amasses praise from labor unions and pro-American work advocates for his cracking down on abuse within the H-1B visa program, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is distressed by the executive order.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce slammed Trump’s order, which mandates that the Departments of Justice, Labor, and Homeland Security conduct legal reviews of the H-1B system and its impacts on American labor.

“Economic growth requires a skilled workforce, so it should be a priority to make sure American workers have the skills required to fill open jobs with American companies,” the Chamber wrote in a statement. “It would be a mistake to close the door on high-skilled workers from around the world who can contribute to American businesses’ growth and expansion and make the U.S. more competitive around the world. The H-1B program plays an important role in addressing this need, but it can be improved.”

Rather than reforming or ending the H-1B visa program, which gives at least 85,000 U.S.-based jobs to foreign workers every year, the Chamber said they would prefer an expansion.



  1. Maybe the Chamber should get behind the fight to reform our education system from a homogenized dumb down program to a learning system that comes close to matching those of countries from which these people come. Start relying on American made.

  2. What the HB-1 visa program tells me is that our workers are too lazy or are rewarded for not working. The wages from Crisfield packing houses and migrant worker operations are too low for most of our workers to apply. So, we either pay more for veggies and seafood or accept the HB-1 visa program. Or..... ask people who are getting welfare to take these jobs WITHOUT having to lose their benefits. Would be like working overtime. Hey, now there's a solution!

  3. Hire Americans. Stop importing cheap non us labor into our own back yards.

  4. For this program, companies should be required to show that none of their current employees and no applicants for positions are remotely close to having the skills and that training would not be feasible!

    Let's give American workers a chance to grow in to positions like these!


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